Monday, January 25, 2016

Bible Chapter: Zephaniah 1 & 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The prophet Zephaniah ministered during the reign of King Josiah.  Judah was consumed with worshiping false gods and violence.  As a nation, they were not concerned about what God required.  One of the problems was priests who pretended to be following God’s commands, but were also worshiping false gods.  God said he would crush Judah and Jerusalem and destroy every last trace of their Baal worship.  He also said he would put an end to the idolatrous priests.  They claimed to follow the LORD, but then they worship Baal as well.  This caused many people in Judah to participate in generic forms of religious worship as they pretended to worship the Lord in truth. This hypocritical mixture of worship was evil in God’s eyes.  God will never tolerate those who claim to be His followers but also worship any other god.  God will judge them.  God expects His followers to be spiritually separated from anything else.  Because of their sin, God promised judgement.  He promised that their silver and gold will not save them on that day.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
A call to repentance
The prophet told them (and by implication all who call themselves followers of God) to seek the Lord and follow His commands.  All believers must seek to do what is right and to live in obedience and humility.  The Lord is the only source of protection.  God promised that those who reject Him will receive the wages of their pride.  They have mocked God’s kingdom.  They will be terrified at what God does.  Their pride will fail them when they see the utter ruin God brings.  In this call to repentance I see a correlation to the celebration of Communion.  The Bible says that each participant should examine their heart and make things right with God.  It is a call for continual course-correction in life.  It is so easy to drift spiritually.  Many fail because they don’t keep making sure that they have not allowed the tempter to pull them away from God’s path.

3.  How can I help someone?
Spiritual examination is required if we are going to stay close to the Lord.  We are all subject to temptation.  We are all able to look at the pleasures of sin and forget the consequences.  It is too easy to drift if we don’t keep our eyes on the Lord and His blessings and promises.