Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bible Chapter: Malachi 1 & 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Does God really love you?  Does He care about people?  We see here that He says “I have always loved you”.  Some were doubting that God really loved them.  He told this to them again because He wants people to be assured that love is His nature.  They had many difficulties and troubles because of their disobedience to God.  Some thought that God was unfaithful to His promises.  No, it wasn’t unfaithfulness, it as His righteousness calling them back to Him.
Here we see a passage that few have thought much of, but is awesome.  The people were showing disrespect to God through their offerings and sacrifices.  They were showing contempt for God.  They asked how they were doing that.  The response was by offering defiled sacrifices on the altar.  They showed no respect by giving blind, crippled and diseased animals as sacrifices.  Then God challenged them with this statement:  try giving gifts like that to your governor, and see how pleased he is.  I like that challenge.  People wouldn’t consider something like fulfilling their obligations to others or to pay their taxes with defective resources, it would not be accepted.  But, the people thought God would accept their defective sacrifices.  It is a challenge to people to see that they need to put God on the highest level of respect and obedience.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Personal relationships.  We see an example of what God created for our good and how people reject God’s way.  Many men had been unfaithful, doing a detestable thing. They defiled the Lord’s sanctuary by marrying women who worship idols. God expects His followers to marry a person who is also a follower of God, believers are to marry believers.  They asked why the Lord doesn’t accept their worship.  God responded that He witnessed the vows they made when they got married.  But, they had been unfaithful to their faithful wife.  They didn’t understand that the Lord made them one with their wife?  God told them to guard their hearts and remain loyal to the wife of their youth.  Then we see a powerful statement, God hates divorce.  “So guard your heart; do not be unfaithful to your wife.”  Marriage is God’s idea.  He created it and designed it.  So, we must follow the Creator’s instructions.  It is a life agreement, a pledge of faithfulness to each other in the sight of God.  God was rebuking them because many men were forsaking their solemn pledge to their wives.  Marriage is a great idea that the enemy is perverting.  Seek to do things God’s way and receive the blessings.

3.  How can I help someone?
Give of your best to the Master.  That is a line from an old song.  It is good advice.  God is deserving of the best that we have.  He challenged the people for bringing Him the things that they didn’t want any more.  It is only an offering and sacrifice if it costs you something.