Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bible Chapter: Nahum 1 & 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God gave Nahum a vision about Nineveh.  Here God calls Himself jealous and filled with vengeance.  But we also must see that God is slow to get angry.  The word jealous does not mean that God is petty and selfish.  It shows His care for His people and His desire to protect them and not share them.  He takes revenge against sinners who work to destroy God’s work, especially those who are brutal to people.  We see God’s strength of character in that He is slow to anger. God is patient in that He gives sinners time to repent.  God’s longing is that people will turn from their wicked ways.  But, at some time judgement and “payday” comes when people will be held accountable for their actions.  Who can stand before his fierce anger? No one can.  While it might seem as if God is filled with wrath, we see that the Lord is good.  He is a strong refuge when trouble comes, never abandoning those who trust in him.
A warning to Nineveh:  Your enemy is coming to crush you. Watch the roads. Prepare your defenses.  Except nothing will work, you will be destroyed for your sin.  Your city will be plundered and empty. Your wealth will be all gone.  You have made yourself an enemy of God.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Here are some interesting things I discovered.  We first hear about Nineveh when Jonah was sent to preach a message of judgement.  That story ended with repentance.  From the king on down they repented and God held back His judgement.  Nineveh was an important place, as it was the capital of the Assyrian Empire.
In the ancient world the Assyrians were known for their extreme cruelty to nations they conquered.
They would thoughtlessly slaughter multitudes of people.  They took many as captives. Many died in captivity.  They tortured captured leaders.  This doesn’t sound like the place where Jonah preached.  But there is an important point to learn.  Their repentance only lasted for a short time.  Their repentance didn’t make a lasting impact, for the city returned to its wicked ways. Because of that, their day of judgment was fast approaching.
What is the lesson and application?  It is very important to repent.  It is vitally important to continue to live the life God calls you to after repentance.  It does no good to just say “I’m sorry” and then return to a sinful lifestyle.

3.  How can I help someone?
Often as I write old songs come to mind.  Here’s what I am thinking of: Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in His wonderful face.  And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.