Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bible Chapter: Amos 5 & 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Here Amos writes a funeral song, a lament for the nation.  In this expression of grief, he conveys God’s sorrow over Israel’s sins.  While the people think that everything will be fine, this funeral song declares the truth that their doom is sure.  What the Lord is saying to the people is “Come back to me and live!”  If they would desperately seek after God’s mercy, a remnant of them would be spared.  If they insisted on idol worship, God promised His judgment.  The people had walked away from righteous living.  They were oppressing those in need.
Amos wrote that they were to hate evil and love what is good.  Then, perhaps the Lord will have mercy on the people who were left.  They needed to depart from evil and strive after what is good and right.  Because of their sinful lives, God said He despised their religious feasts and rituals of worship.  The people had enjoyed power and prosperity, but they became self-satisfied and careless about sin and ungodly lifestyles.  Because they were rich they thought everything was fine.  They did not grieve over sin and the coming judgement.  So, they would be turned over to an enemy.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Reading through the prophets is a continual reminder of eternity.  It is a continual reminder that God is unchanging.  Truth is truth and righteousness is righteousness.  I also often think that these books were not written two to three thousand years ago, but are modern expressions of God’s response to what is happening in the world today.  It tells me that human nature, the sinful nature, is the same.  It is so easy to walk away from God and do whatever I want.  Another thing that has not changed is that God still judges sin and receives the repentant heart.  Remember this.

3.  How can I help someone?
What is working in your life?  If things are not working out, why keep doing the same thing? Turn to God and receive what He has for you, His love and mercy to make your life new.