Monday, January 11, 2016

Bible Chapter: Daniel 11 & 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This passage shows the detail and accuracy of Biblical prophecy regarding the history of nations.  These events were still centuries away from happening when this prophecy was given.  Daniel wrote about the hearts of leaders who would be set against the holy covenant God gave to Israel.  One of these leaders was Antiochus, who developed a hatred of the Jews and their holy law that God gave them. He believed that Greek culture and language were superior to all others. He rejected the belief of the Jews that there is only one true God.  It is only through the one True God that people can have redemption.  Sadly, these attitudes of superiority and hatred towards the Jews, towards Christians who believe in Jesus, have continued to produce much suffering in the world.  Persecution continues.  Many do all they can to mock and insult God and His followers.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
There are people who are spiritually asleep and also those who are spiritually alert and awake.  These are the two groups of people in the world.  Those who refuse to believe in the Savior will face eternal judgement.  There are only two destinies for all people in the world. We are all responsible to choose for ourselves whether to follow Jesus to eternal life in heaven, or to make the choice to reject him and head to eternal punishment.  God will transform those who serve Him and they will show His power through their lives.  The final chapter of history has not yet been written.  Follow God’s way.

3.  How can I help someone?
Pay close attention to the influences you allow in your life.  Just because someone gains power or fame does not mean they know what they are doing.  The visions that God gave to Daniel show us that many evil people have deceived and destroyed many civilizations.  Jesus has proven Himself to be the Savior who leads to eternal life.