Friday, January 15, 2016

Bible Chapter: Hosea 7 & 8

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Continual rejection of God and His ways will always lead to a very dangerous position. God said He wanted to heal Israel, but their sins were too great.  They had become liars and thieves.  The people thought they were getting away with their sins, forgetting that God was watching them.  God saw all their sin.  They became adulterers, aflame with lust.
One of the things they did continually was to mingle with godless foreigners.  The godless influence brought them to worship foreign gods. They didn’t even realize the negative impact it was having on them as they had no spiritual strength left.  They don’t realize they had become old and weak.  Instead, they were arrogant.  They became as useless as a crooked bow.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Someone needs to warn the people who are turning their backs on God.  That is what is happening today.  In the name of Christianity sin is accepted and promoted.  There is confusion over what loving the sinner means. It does not mean to condone sin.  Back then, and also today, the enemy has descended like an eagle on the people.  They break God’s commands and revolt against His law.  Then, when the roof caves in, they cry out to God for help.  But it is too late.  What we have is total rejection of God and His ways.
God has give His laws, but people act as if those laws don’t apply to them.  Religious people love their rituals, but to God their rituals are all meaningless.  God will hold people accountable for their sins, and will punish them.

3.  How can I help someone?
God’s commands really do apply to all.  They are not optional.  The reason for God’s commands is that He wants the best for all people.  Life is best when it is lived in submission to God.