Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bible Chapter: Nahum 3

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This book is a proclamation of judgement against Nineveh.  How sad that it was known as the city of murder and lies.  They were a city filled with prostitution, immorality and witchcraft.  It was a city filled with sin.  And, sin attracts sin.  Sin never exists in isolation.  One sin against God will lead to another.  It leads to acceptance of sin and mockery of all who speak against it.  Sin spreads like an infectious disease.  All of their wickedness opened the door to demons and evil spirits that controlled the people’s lives.  They reached the place where there was no power to protect them.  The only direction for them to go was to crumble and be gone.
They made themselves God’s enemy.  He said He would reveal their evil and they would be in shame.  The world would know how evil they really were.  They would lie in ruins.  Their doom was sure.  Their wealth would not save them. There was no healing for their wounds; their injuries are fatal.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Politicians can make things legal.  They can write laws and say certain activities are permitted and no one can speak against them.  They can punish those who speak for righteousness.  We are seeing that happen today in rapid succession.  I am amazed at the things people are legalizing.  But, they often forget that they are not the ultimate authority.  God has given us His standards for righteousness.  We are accountable to God who will judge everyone.  I cannot get caught up in the rush to legalize lots of sin and then say it is permissible.  God’s immutable standards cannot be mocked.  History records many powerful civilizations that are now just a memory, an archeological dig in the past.

3.  How can I help someone?
Don’t listen to the latest opinion poll.  It doesn’t matter what is popular.  Listen to what God says.  God will not be mocked.