Bible Chapter: Mark 15
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Pilate was the leader and he was responsible to do things correctly. There is a sad statement that describes those who should be leading but are only playing games. It says that he released Barabbas, wanting to please the crowd. Weak leaders bring pain and suffering to those they are supposed to lead when they only make the so-called easy decision. Crowd pleasers usually make poor leaders. Those in leadership positions are called by God to lead, not pander and compromise. Pilate was more concerned with his position than doing his job. It brought sad results. This is a picture of failed leadership.
Another thought that jumps out to me in this chapter is the fact that Jesus felt forsaken. The nature of God is love and there is an amazing relationship in the Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have a relationship of unity and love that we have a hard time grasping. Then, at that awful moment on the cross, Jesus recognized that He was abandoned. The Bible says that Jesus faced every temptation we face, yet without sin. This is one of them. When we feel forsaken we are tempted to do things we shouldn’t, simply because the feeling of abandonment is so horrible. This picture of being forsaken helps us understand the horror of sin. It is not a light thing to participate in sin. Sin is the punch line of many jokes, and yet there is nothing funny about sin. The weight of sin was on Jesus and He was forsaken because of it.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter tells that while Jesus was on the cross, darkness took over for three hours. Light and dark are mentioned often in the Bible. Light points to God and the good things. Darkness points to evil and sin. I think the power of the picture of darkness taking over at this time is significant. Sin brings painful consequences. I sense more and more the pressure on the church to compromise truth and Biblical principles. The closer a person is in their relationship with Jesus the more they will want to be and do what pleases Him. I need to apply light, not darkness in my life.
3. How can I help someone?
People need friends and encouragement. It is easy to be drawn to people in positions that are well known. Then there are the “people like me”, that thing that some say who have problems or issues that make them the lower rung of society. I can help by not forsaking or abandoning people, but being a friend.