Bible Chapter: Mark 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.It must have been amazing to travel with Jesus. The list of stories goes on and on about how He healed and set people free. There were large crowds that followed. Mark 5 starts out with delivering a man possessed by many demons. We see the power of Jesus as there wasn’t a struggle, the demons had to do what He said. This should help our fear and doubts of what Jesus can do. This man was well-known for his evil and destructive behavior. I would think the local people would have been happy to see something good happen, but they pleaded with Jesus to leave. The man wanted to go with Jesus but He told him it was more important to return home and tell of what Jesus had done. People need to hear testimonies of God’s power. That should speak to me to be always ready to talk about what God is doing. One of the most powerful words is the real and current testimony of what God is doing.
This chapter gives another encouragement for believers to have faith. Jesus told the father of a dead girl, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Wow, Jesus is not afraid to take on the hard issues. Fear commonly causes people to not step out in faith. But, we need to continually step out in faith. This is what the woman who had been ill for twelve years did. She reached out to Jesus and He healed her. Reach out to Jesus and believe for miracles.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to keep filling my mind and heart with the truths of God’s Word that tell me of the impossible things God continually does. I need to continue reading the modern testimonies of the supernatural. I need to continue to expect God to intervene here where I live. Most people have faith that God will do the supernatural somewhere else, but not where they are. My faith needs to be local, as well and international. Step out in faith. Faith must be applied in the life of every believer. Even if a person only has a little faith, they need to use what they have and watch it grow.
3. How can I help someone?
Encourage people that Jesus is real and ready today to help. Mark 5 included both people who doubted and those who believed. Jesus didn’t ask the woman who touched Him what her theology was, He healed her as she reached out in faith. I can help people see who Jesus really is. They will never be the same after they have genuine contact with Jesus.