Bible Chapter: Mark 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The awesomeness of being with Jesus! That jumps out in reading this chapter. The people crowded in wherever Jesus went. They did this because He was healing and delivering people. They had never seen anything like this. Jesus showed that He not only had power to heal, but to forgive, as well. Guilt and remorse from participating in sin are rampant in the human race and they are hard taskmasters. Humans don’t have the power to overcome them, but Jesus does.
There are an interesting two words in v. 14. Jesus, speaking to Levi, simply said “Follow me.” And, he did. Levi got up from his work and began to follow Jesus. It makes me think of what happens when people really do follow Jesus. In the next paragraph we see that Jesus was Levi’s house and their dinner was attended by “sinners”. The religious folks were upset at who Jesus spent time with. Jesus showed His priority by responding that healthy people don’t need a doctor, but the sick do. Those who have been delivered from the power of sin don’t need salvation, but sinners desperately do. Jesus reached out to those in need, because their need was so desperate. Following Jesus might upset the religious people, but it meets the real needs people have.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jesus taught about fasting. This is never any fun. I find it interesting that we have been influenced to think that serving Jesus should be all about having fun. Fasting and prayer is one of the spiritual weapons God gives us to show His power. He said that He expects us to fast. I know this is a battle because I can miss a meal and it often doesn’t matter. However, whenever I fast I’m hungry, and it seems like it’s not that big of a deal to eat, because I’m really hungry. If I don’t eat I’ll probably get sick or something.
God gave us the Sabbath. This is a regular time of rest and spiritual refreshing. It is a time of spiritual renewal. Our culture has basically abandoned the Sabbath rest and refreshing. Sunday is like any other day of the week. And, we are busier and more worn out than ever. Christians absolutely must consider the rest and give God His day. We need the time of spiritual encouragement, Christian fellowship, teaching and change that comes from giving God this one day a week. And, we shouldn’t simply rush to church and then run all over doing hundreds of other things. The Lord’s Day really needs to be HIS day. We need rest, we need change, we need refreshing. Rest renews our minds, souls and bodies.
3. How can I help someone?
I need to see people as people. I must not look at who can help me or make life better and only reach out to befriend those folks. I need to see the needs people have and know that Jesus reached out to all the people around Him, even the unpopular ones. Like the friends who didn’t let anything deter them from getting the paralyzed person to Jesus, I need to not let anything hinder me from showing Jesus to those in need.