Bible Chapter: Mark 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.It is easy to become discouraged these days. All a person has to do is check the news. If one source doesn’t dishearten you enough, try the next channel, it will. In chapter 14 Jesus talked about the gospel being preached. The gospel is good news. We need more good news. The footnote in my study Bible describes the gospel this way: the good news that God has acted to save the perishing human race through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through God’s Good News we see God’s righteousness and understand the conviction of sin. The Good News shows us that we will be judged, but that we do not have to live in fear of the judgement when we receive God’s forgiveness.
Because the body and blood of Jesus were offered on the cross, we have God’s assurance of forgiveness and our eternal home with Him. Jesus gave us a memorial to remind us - Communion. It is a time of personal reflection and examination as we remember the amazing love and sacrifice of Jesus. I must keep in my memory the price Jesus paid. This price included the betrayal by some of His closest followers. Betrayal is one of the most difficult experiences to endure. In His deepest hour of need Jesus’ friends abandoned Him. Peter even cursed in his denial of Jesus. The symbols used in Communion remind us of the high cost of sin and the payment required by God’s righteousness.
There are some skeptics today who claim that Jesus never said He was the Savior, the Christ. They need to read verses 61-62. Jesus clearly says He is the Christ. His claim to be the Savior and the evidence of the resurrection is proof that He is worthy of my worship and service. The accusers didn’t believe and said He was guilt of blasphemy because of His claim. To the question if He was the Christ, Jesus clearly said, “I am”.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
In our church we traditionally receive communion once a month. The frequency of communion is not an issue. The important point is that believers receive it and participate in it Biblically. The Bible is clear that it is only for believers in Jesus. It is a time to do a spiritual inventory and be sure I’m in right standing with and living for Jesus. The more I live the more I realize that I forget. I can’t forget what Jesus did for me.
I also must not let any pressure cause me to deny Jesus. In Mark chapter 13, Jesus is quoted as saying that people will hate believers because of Jesus. When people hate Jesus today, I must never compromise my belief to attempt to make things easier in my life. Here in chapter 14 we see the disciples running when things got difficult.
When Jesus faced the most demanding situations in life, He went to prayer. Knowing He was facing the arrest and crucifixion, He went to Gethsemane to pray. It was too bad that the disciples fell asleep. I really appreciate when I can pray with others, and not just alone, when I am facing a battle. But, if there is no one else, I still need to pray.
3. How can I help someone?
When people can see the truth of the sacrifice of Jesus it speaks to their hearts of His great love for them. I need to continue to find ways to show His sacrifice to others. Even though Peter denied Jesus, he was forgiven. That truth is an encouragement to all. I have talked with many who feel guilt for past transgressions who wonder if they can be forgiven. Jesus forgave Peter. He will forgive anyone.
For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."
Romans 10:13 NKJV