Bible Chapter: Mark 3
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.One day Jesus went to a synagogue and met something that became a familiar sight: religious folks looking for a way to accuse Him. They were always out to find ways to attack Him and cause people to reject Him. That became routine. It is still routine. It is interesting today that people are trying to pass laws that forbid praying in Jesus’ name. I think it is interesting that Mark identifies Jesus’ reply as anger and deep distress at their stubborn hearts.
Jesus was angry at their sinful hearts. He hates sin. We will never see any more love wrapped up in anyone than Jesus. At the same time, He absolutely hated and hates sin. The sinful hearts of these religious folks actually caused them to say that Jesus shouldn’t heal a crippled hand on the Sabbath. Their religious rules were more important to them than human need. Jesus was angry at that attitude, ignored their selfishness and healed the man.
Another part of this chapter shows another accusation against Jesus. Jesus was driving demons out of people. The teachers of the law said He did it through the power of Beelzebub, the prince of demons. Jesus’ response is an important lesson for the church today.
The response was that a kingdom divided against itself will not stand. If Satan casts out demons, then his kingdom would fall. Unity is required for strength. We must be very aware of this truth today and not allow anything to cause dissension in the church body. I love the old statement: we will have unity around here even if we have to fight to keep it. It is the enemy who continues to point out minor things that frustrate believers and cause problems. We must continually reject anything that causes problems.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to continue to study the Bible to grasp the truths and principles God wants me to know and live. I need to separate them from religious traditions (and they are not all bad). Bible teaching must continue to be the foundation for daily life. This will help keep sin away. I also need to hate sin and the destruction it does to people.
Verse 35 has an interesting thought to apply. Jesus was told that His family was outside waiting for Him. Mark quoted Jesus as He said that whoever does God’s will is His family. That’s an insightful comment. Jesus puts doing God’s will very high on the list of what is important. That speaks to me to continually seek to find God’s will and then do it. God’s will is clearly found through obedience to the commands of the scriptures. It is also found in digging deep to hear the voice of God for me individually. Striving to hear and obey God’s will is a top priority.
3. How can I help someone?
There is so much confusion about who Jesus is. People want to define Him in their own ways. The religious folk did that 2,000 years ago and people still do that today. “I’m not going to believe in a God who . . . .” I can help people to see who Jesus really is and why He is like that. We are better off because Jesus is the way He is. He is against sin because of what it does to people. Jesus was filled with compassion and healed and delivered people. He does the same today.