Bible Chapter: Mark 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Jesus was never afraid to take on the difficult subjects. He was also the recipient of many questions that were motivated by a desire to trip Him up and make Him look foolish. Here some Pharisees came to ask about divorce. I think that one of the most important verses in the Bible regarding marriage is found in verse 9. It says that God does the joining in marriage. That insight gives great understanding to the whole issue and the importance of a careful decision regarding the person to marry. This also exposes the lie of a so-called quick and easy divorce.
God’s design for the human race from the beginning has always been a man and woman getting married, having a family and giving structure and stability to society. Jesus clearly said that a man and woman would create a family, becoming one in many ways. I have often described this as God’s super-glue. Marriage is the strongest bond in human relationships. My parents were married sixty years. At the end, when my father was sick and in the nursing home, my mother still went daily to spend time with him and help him any way she could. It wasn’t that she was his slave, but that they had a genuine marriage bond, a genuine relationship that made her want to be with him, even in his weak and sickly state. A Godly marriage is not the old “ball and chain” that some describe, but a blessing given from God.
Another part of this chapter deals with how hard it is to make it to heaven. Jesus was asked, “Who then can be saved?”. And the response was that with people it is impossible but “all things are possible with God.” So, we see that salvation, an eternal home in heaven requires God’s involvement. We need to come to God as little children would come. We must come to Jesus humbly and wholeheartedly, turning from sin and receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior. It will also cost us something. We have to give up controlling our own lives and give all to Him. There may be major sacrifices we make, but the eternal rewards will be overwhelming. Take the place God has given you, be faithful in that place, and watch God come through.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is very easy to get caught up in material possessions and thinking they are the most important issue of life. Verse 22 talks about the young man who was sad at Jesus’ response because he had many possessions. They were more important to him than receiving God’s gift of eternal life. Having things is not evil as long as the things don’t have me.
I am thankful for the understand of marriage that I was taught as a young person. It really is a gift from God. I’m sorry to see so many young people today afraid of marriage because of the confusion they see in our modern world. I also must be sure to not get trapped in the debate of redefining marriage to anything other than what Jesus clearly described in this chapter.
3. How can I help someone?
I have had the privilege of talking with young people about marriage and the relationships that lead to a good marriage. I must be open to always try to continue to help them see the best path to a good marriage. It starts from the beginning of the friendship, dating relationship. It starts long before they begin to consider marrying a specific person. I want to help people sort through the confusion and not be afraid of a good and Godly relationship.