Bible Chapter: Matthew 28
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This last chapter of Matthew starts out with the resurrection. Exciting. I can’t imagine what it was like to be there that day. This is one of the key events in all of history. At first they were very sad, thinking someone had taken the body of Jesus away. Then, the amazing realization that He was not dead any more. It was overwhelming. Jesus was dead, they saw Him die. But, no longer. He was no longer dead. They scattered to spread the word. I’m sure they were met with much skepticism. God sent an angel to let them know of the resurrection and assure them it was true. He is NOT HERE, He is RISEN. Awesome!! Because Jesus lives we have eternal life. The excitement of the resurrection is not limited to Easter Sunday morning.
The forces of evil are always on the scene to try to mess things up. They spread a lie that Jesus’ body had been stolen. Money was used to spread the story. For every powerful truth there is a counterfeit. Sadly, today some people still believe the lie. This steals the blessings of this miracle.
Matthew ends with what is called The Great Commission. It is the command to make disciples of Jesus. A disciple is a learner. It is the responsibility of believers to help people learn of Jesus, to be students of His, that they will grow in their personal relationship with Jesus. Make disciples. That is the command that makes the difference. Beyond seeing people converted to Jesus, people are to become disciples so they will observe His commands. Another of Satan’s lies these days is that it is a bad thing to proselytize. Yet, if people don’t hear about Jesus and become a believer, they miss the blessings of being forgiven, having God’s hope in their hearts and living forever in Heaven.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must work to be the strongest disciple I can be for Jesus. That means that I must continue to learn, continue to study. No matter how much I know, there is always more to grasp about God and more changes for Him to make in my life. He is infinite, so there will always be more for our finite minds to grasp. Study, learn, apply.
I must also apply the reality of the resurrection to daily life. When it seems like the issues of life are going to overwhelm, I must remember that Jesus conquered death. If He can handle that, He can handle anything. Jesus has all authority and He has promised to always be with us.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help others by being a disciple so they can see Jesus. I can let the victory of the resurrection live in my life so that people can see it really does make a difference.