Bible Chapter: Mark 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Those who believe in Jesus have an amazing hope because of the resurrection of Jesus. When the Sabbath was over some of the women came to the tomb to anoint His body. There they were surprised to find the tomb empty. It was there they received the message that changed the world - He is not here, He is risen. And then, there is an amazing addition to the message. They were instructed to go tell the disciples. And, -- Peter. It is very significant that there was a special message for Peter. I’m sure he was suffering due to his failure and Jesus wanted to be sure that he got the message of the resurrection. Peter, it’s ok, you are going to do great things for God.
I’m reminded of an old song we used to sing, “It’s just like Jesus to roll the clouds away, It’s just like Jesus to keep me day by day, It’s just like Jesus all along the way, It’s just like His great love.” Kindness, compassion, caring and so many other things are just like Jesus. And, it is just like Jesus to care for Peter to help him through this terrible time.
The fact of the resurrection has been historically proven. Experts who study these things have shown ample evidence that Jesus really did rise from the grave. One of the proofs that has spoken to me is the fact that, after they saw Him, the disciples were ready to die for Him. No one is willing to die for a hoax. Those who saw Jesus alive, then they saw Him crucified and then they saw Him alive again; they were willing to give all for Him. Everything about Jesus is supernatural. Since Jesus never changes the supernatural is still alive and well today. I need to expect miraculous intervention in life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must keep eternal hope growing in my heart. When difficult times come, as the believers were facing when Jesus was crucified, it is important to keep my focus on the miraculous power of Jesus. I must always apply the power and truths of the Bible in life. There is nothing else sufficient to carry me through. That’s all, but that’s enough.
3. How can I help someone?
Jesus is alive. He is here for you. He is sufficient for anything you deal with. That’s enough.