Friday, October 5, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 25

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    I am thinking of an old song that includes the line: work for the night is coming, when man’s work is o’er.  Some day the work of believers in Jesus will be completed. Jesus gave a parable of people invited to a wedding.  Some were prepared and some were not.  The picture here is being prepared for the return of Jesus to take the church to be with Him.  Common in the thinking of our modern culture is that everyone, shy of someone like Hitler, will go to heaven.  That is simply not true.  Jesus talked about the extreme necessity of being spiritually prepared and ready to go when the time comes.  Every person is responsible for their own spiritual preparation for eternity.  No one can make the decision to follow Jesus for another person.  And, we won’t know when we will enter eternity.  It will come suddenly and only those who are already prepared will go to be with Jesus. There will be no “last minute preparations” allowed.
    Jesus also talked about using our talents and resources for Him.  One thing that stands out to me is the fact that not everyone has the same level of talents.  Yet, all who were faithful with what they had received the same well done from the Master.  It’s not how much you have but what you do with it.  God has invested in each person abilities. He expects a return. The problem wasn’t the person who only had one talent, but that he did nothing with it.
    Verse 40 is one of the key verses in the Bible.  Jesus showed His care for those in need.  When we serve the Lord through ministering to those in need, we are doing it directly to Him.  That is a powerful encouragement for us to serve in practical ways that make life better.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Use what I have.  I can always find someone who has more abilities and resources.  It is common for people to say something like, “If I had millions of dollars I sure would use it to make a difference”.  Well, most of us don’t have millions of dollars, but we can use what we have.  God expects faithfulness with what we have and not worrying about what we don’t have.  God expects me to be reliable with what I have.  I think that much of what doesn’t happen to help is simply an excuse.  Our culture focuses on success.  Well, being faithful to God and His commands is being successful, even if it doesn’t lead to fame.
    I also need to be continually aware that some day Jesus is going to call for me to stand before Him.  I must live ready.  This means I must live in continual and vibrant relationship with Him.  Not religion but relationship with Jesus, the Savior.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I like the old saying: find the need, then heal it.  Always be on the lookout for ways to help.  Think of others.  Be ready to put the needs of others first.  Use my talents in a way that will be most beneficial to the most people.