Bible Chapter: Mark 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Again, Jesus faced the religious critics who were hoping to make a fool of Him. This is a tactic that the forces of evil have used since the beginning and are still using today to make followers of Jesus look brain-dead. Jesus challenged the Sadducees when they tried to trick Him with a question about marriage and heaven. In verse 24 Jesus told them they were in error because they did not know the scriptures or the power of God. That same error continues to be a problem as many modern church leaders are confused about what the Bible says. And, they have no idea about the reality of the power of God. They fall into the same trap the Sadducees were in; they have lots of religious knowledge and are zealous, but are not in connection with God or His power. Any strong building has a good foundation. Strong spiritual leaders and strong local churches have a strong spiritual foundation. Sadly, many churches today have weak foundations that lead to weakness in their spiritual life. They are only going through a routine. The weak foundation also leads to only knowing theory about the power of God, even to belief that God doesn’t do the supernatural any more.
Jesus talked about the greatest commandment. We are to love God with everything we have. This love will lead us to do the next thing He said, love our neighbor as we love ourselves. This commandment helps us understand the difference between being religious and going through religious routines and the real relationship God designed us to have with Him. Religious routine is filled with a long list of rules and regulations that don’t have anything to do with serving God. A love relationship brings us close to Jesus. This genuine love causes us to want to please and honor God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to continue to focus on this great commandment. What does it mean to love God? While all who are truly saved know what it is, we need to continue to grow to know more and more what it means. So, I need to continue to mature in understanding how Jesus expressed His love for the world. I need to continue to grasp the application of loving my neighbor. I believe that there is massive confusion about what this means. I hear people say that Jesus said to love, and they interpret love as approval of anything someone does. It is applied in such a way that people are sinning and, supposedly, the love of Jesus for the person doesn’t say anything lest it be considered criticism or intolerance. Real love would be finding a way to point out the error of their ways and showing them the forgiveness offered by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. While Jesus offered forgiveness, He also called sin what it really is, sin. He told people they need to repent.
I also need to be sure I don’t fall into the trap Jesus warned about in verses 38-39. He told of teachers of the law who make themselves important and require special treatment. God calls us to be His servants. From time to time we hear of some church leader falling in a trap of sin and discover they were living a life of indulgence and fame. That is an east trap to fall in to.
3. How can I help someone?
Follow the commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself. That is an amazingly helpful thing to anyone who is the recipient of Christlike love.