Bible Chapter: Mark 13
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This chapter is a series of warnings. There is an intense spiritual battle to try to get people confused and walk away from Jesus. And, the battle is getting worse as the days to by. Jesus said watch out, be alert and be on your guard. We are to be alert to spiritual false teachings and anything that might cause us to reject God or doubt that He is planning to return.
A verse that jumped out to me as I read was verse 13. Jesus said that people will hate believers because of Jesus. That is amazing. Not just not like, but hate. The one who stands firm to the end will be saved. The more I live and read what people are saying today, the more I realize that people really do hate Jesus and what He taught. There is a real venom in the hearts and minds of some people today, and it is getting worse. By association, as a follower of Jesus, I (we) am (are) hated as well. I am amazed at how the simple truths of Jesus can be twisted and distorted to say what He never intended.
I guess I’m old enough to remember what it used to be like. Now, when someone stands up for Biblical teachings and values they are vilified in the most astounding ways. Chaplains are told not to pray in the name of Jesus. There are those who would like to take all crosses out of cemeteries. Death threats become real and the list goes on. To simply express Biblical values is called hate speech. To disagree can bring lawsuits and criminal prosecution. Jesus was accurate when He said that His followers would be hated because of Him.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to live my life daily being ready for the return of Jesus. No one knows the day or hour when our last minute will be. Jesus said to be alert. I believe being alert includes living a life that honors Jesus and shows that He is in control. I find it sometimes difficult to respond to the hatred in a Christlike way. I would like to prove my point in such a way that the scoffers cannot miss the message. I have to be careful to not get angry in a destructive way. Live ready for Jesus is what I must continue to do.
3. How can I help someone?
The fact that the Bible says Jesus will come some day is not readily believed by many today. As I have opportunity I must help people see this truth and how they can be ready. There is nothing more important than being ready to see Jesus. We all will stand before Him some day. Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.