Bible Chapter: Matthew 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The absolute greatest thing that can happen to anyone anywhere is to know Jesus as their personal Savior and know that He dwells in their heart. This is the assurance of an eternal home in heaven. The invitation has gone out to all. Jesus talked about people who had been invited to a wedding and didn’t come. This was to be an amazing feast with all the best food and celebration. People simply made excuses. They ignored the king who made the invitation. It was more important for them to simply go about their business. Some even killed the messengers of the king. Everything was provided, even the wedding garments.
This parable gives us a picture of God’s Kingdom. The invitation to enter has gone out. Many who know about it and know what they are to do simply are too busy. Other things are more important. The church world today is filled with people who have other things to do than be involved and be faithful. Some day in the future they will find time for God. Sadly, that will be too late.
This leads to another part of this chapter where Jesus taught about the Great Commandment. First of all, we are to love God with every fiber of our being. Love for God is to be our first priority. We are to long for His friendship and be happy to obey His commands. We will be happy to be identified with Him. We will be loyal to all God’s Word days. The second part of this commandment it to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. When people see a supernatural love operating in our lives they will be drawn to that love and to the Source of that love.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
How can I think about the Great Commandment and apply it routinely in my life? Too often when a Bible passage is read it is simply ignored. It is vital to think of how to actually apply verses, for the Bible is very practical.
Love God with everything. That makes God a priority. It means that even if things are inconvenient or cost something, God still takes priority. I don’t put service to God after I do all I want. Sacrifice and effort come before ease and fun. That leads to loving my neighbors. Genuine love always requires sacrifice. God’s love shown to others draws them to HIM.
This application will take effort, but it will impact the invitation to the wedding for many people.
3. How can I help someone?
Somewhere in life I heard this: “find the need, and then fill it”. To show love as commanded means to look for needs and then do something about them. Do it without fanfare, without looking for a pat on the back, just do something to show love. Make this a routine part of life. Filling a need can be something very simple, but it is a mind-set that looks for ways to help.