Bible Chapter: Mark 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.I try to think of giving dishonor to Jesus. I guess it is a scary thought to actually do it. This chapter starts out showing Jesus as a prophet without honor. Jesus went to His hometown and taught in the synagogue. The people questioned His authority and teaching. They took offense at what He taught. People are still offended by truth when it points out their need to change. While Jesus was mobbed everywhere else He went, here He was doubted.
Verses 5 & 6 give an important insight. Because of the lack of faith in His hometown He couldn’t do many miracles there. Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith. The unbelief of people hinders the power of God. I see that in our modern culture, the fact that we “know” God doesn’t do miracles any more (anyone with any intelligence knows that). Many Christian leaders preach that today. I was in a conversation one time when some Christians flat out said that God doesn’t heal people today. And yet, I knew they prayed for people when they were sick. I wondered what they prayed about and why. My faith is a critical part of seeing supernatural intervene in the issues of life.
The story of the death of John the Baptist is included in this chapter. John had not compromised when he told Herod it was wrong to take his brother’s wife. God’s moral standards are for everyone. John understood right and wrong and wasn’t afraid to tell the truth. For this unflinching proclamation of the truth, John was eventually beheaded. Mark’s account of the life of Jesus includes much discussion about the importance of faith. John’s story includes another important ingredient, the refusal to compromise truth. Bending truth out of convenience and a desire for popularity is destructive and dangerous. Genuine truth is truth is truth. It is not subject to the latest opinion poll.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Again, another challenge to grow in my faith shows up in the Bible. Jesus had compassion on a large crowd and supernaturally fed them a meal. Out of a sack lunch thousands were filled. God is never perplexed by lack of any material items. Since He made the whole world out of nothing, He can create whatever is needed.
I am also challenged to not compromise truth, no matter how unpopular it may be. We are seeing countless examples of spiritual battles attempting to change things that God designed. God gave us the family and that is being attacked and redefined in ways that amaze. Simply for stating what the majority have believed for millennia, people and businesses are being viciously attacked. I have to determine what I believe and stick with it. Since Jesus never changes, if I am a true follower, then I will stick with what He taught. He is the standard.
3. How can I help someone?
I can be consistent in the unchanging truths of God’s Word. I can help people to see the reality and purpose of His truth and how people are better off when they learn and apply God’s way in life. If Jesus can walk on water (and He did) then He can do anything.