Monday, October 1, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 21

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The Triumphal Entry.  We are seeing God’s plans unfolding for the Messiah.  Long before it had been prophesied that the King would come riding a donkey.  One of the ways we can know that Jesus was the promised Savior is all the prophecies He fulfilled perfectly.  Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem to the cheering crowd.
    As He came to the city Jesus went to the temple.  There he drove out the merchants who had turned the house of the Lord into a continual flea market.  It was supposed to be a house of prayer.  This is an important descriptive statement.  God’s house is a place of prayer.  Prayer is a normal and important part of the life of serving God.  Later in the chapter we see Jesus talking about faith.  Jesus said that faith could cause mountains to be moved.  Faith can bring what people say can’t happen.  Believers must keep God’s house pure and filled with prayer.
    Jesus was questioned about His authority.  We can learn an important lesson.  The people asking Jesus a question didn’t really care about an answer.  They were simply trying to trip Him up and bring problems.  In the end He did not answer the question.  Today, if people are only trying to confuse the issue we are not under obligation to answer their questions.
    Jesus also let the people know that when those who are supposed to be following God are unfaithful, it will be taken from them and given to those who will produce spiritual fruit.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must keep the proper focus of the Lord’s house.  It is a place of prayer.  This is important to God.  I cannot allow sin to come in.  I also must strive to be a person with growing faith.  The life of Jesus gave many examples of the power of faith.  Over and over again the gospel writers spoke of Jesus healing people and delivering them from all sorts of maladies.  These reminders of faith need to keep me focused on HIM.  As I am reading through Matthew the faith lessons keep popping up.  Since I know the Bible was inspired by God, this says volumes.  Growing faith is important to God.
    God expects His followers to be doing something for Him.  He expects work, He expects accomplishments.  He has all authority and I must believe that He will use it as He knows is best.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can work to help people see Jesus as the victorious Savior.  He fulfilled the prophecies perfectly.  He showed the importance of being holy.  I can show them the power of faith.