Bible Chapter: Matthew 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Jesus came to the earth for the specific purpose of dying on the cross as the pardon for the sins of the world. Yet, in this chapter we see an insight in to the character and deception of the evil one. Verse 4 tells us that they were conspiring to capture Jesus secretly to kill Him. Deception, misrepresentation is a normal part of Satan’s way of functioning. Followers of Jesus must be cognizant of these sneaking tactics so we don’t fall in the trap that leads to sin. We must be honest and ethical, since we have nothing to hide.
Matthew told the story of communion. Jesus introduced His followers to this special memorial. We need this memorial regularly because we have such a tendency to forget the important things. “This do in remembrance of Me.” What are we to remember? The sacrificial death of Jesus, that His blood was spilled and His body was beaten. He did it for the whole world, every person, so they can restore the relationship with God that was destroyed because of sin. Communion gives us a time for inspection and reflection. It is a time of spiritual housecleaning. It reminds us of our need to live for Jesus, after all He has done for us.
This chapter begins the story of the arrest of Jesus and all the sorrow that entails. His disciples promised Him total faithfulness and support. Then they failed in that. When Jesus needed them to be praying for Him, they went to sleep. Peter even denied knowing Him. There was the pathetic mockery of a trial. Everything about this time was sad.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When things are going well and we feel the presence of the Lord, it is easy to make promises to stay close to Jesus. When things get hard is when we find out how serious we were about the promises. There are many hard parts of serving Jesus. It really is a battle. Jesus heard the words that even if everyone else abandoned Him, Peter would stay faithful. His response was that within hours Peter would deny Him.
Stay faithful even when it hurts or costs. I need to continue to renew that commitment. The reviewing and renewal is a central part of the communion celebration.
I need to continue to see the deception that trips people up spiritually. Judas was trapped in such a way that even now, 2,000 years later, his name is disparaged. Judas had hindsight at the horrible thing he did, but by then it was too late. I need spiritual foresight, everyone has hindsight.
3. How can I help someone?
I think there are many people who don’t really grasp the enormity of the crucifixion. When films have been made of the story that accurately portray the death of Jesus, there are often complaints that it is too bloody. Well, that’s the way it was. As I have opportunity, I can help people see the reality of what Jesus went through. When people see that picture, it helps them see the horror of sin. If sin was no big deal, Jesus would not have had to suffer as He did.