Bible Chapter: Mark 15
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Pilate was the leader and he was responsible to do things correctly. There is a sad statement that describes those who should be leading but are only playing games. It says that he released Barabbas, wanting to please the crowd. Weak leaders bring pain and suffering to those they are supposed to lead when they only make the so-called easy decision. Crowd pleasers usually make poor leaders. Those in leadership positions are called by God to lead, not pander and compromise. Pilate was more concerned with his position than doing his job. It brought sad results. This is a picture of failed leadership.
Another thought that jumps out to me in this chapter is the fact that Jesus felt forsaken. The nature of God is love and there is an amazing relationship in the Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have a relationship of unity and love that we have a hard time grasping. Then, at that awful moment on the cross, Jesus recognized that He was abandoned. The Bible says that Jesus faced every temptation we face, yet without sin. This is one of them. When we feel forsaken we are tempted to do things we shouldn’t, simply because the feeling of abandonment is so horrible. This picture of being forsaken helps us understand the horror of sin. It is not a light thing to participate in sin. Sin is the punch line of many jokes, and yet there is nothing funny about sin. The weight of sin was on Jesus and He was forsaken because of it.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter tells that while Jesus was on the cross, darkness took over for three hours. Light and dark are mentioned often in the Bible. Light points to God and the good things. Darkness points to evil and sin. I think the power of the picture of darkness taking over at this time is significant. Sin brings painful consequences. I sense more and more the pressure on the church to compromise truth and Biblical principles. The closer a person is in their relationship with Jesus the more they will want to be and do what pleases Him. I need to apply light, not darkness in my life.
3. How can I help someone?
People need friends and encouragement. It is easy to be drawn to people in positions that are well known. Then there are the “people like me”, that thing that some say who have problems or issues that make them the lower rung of society. I can help by not forsaking or abandoning people, but being a friend.
Bible Chapter: Mark 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
It is easy to become discouraged these days. All a person has to do is check the news. If one source doesn’t dishearten you enough, try the next channel, it will. In chapter 14 Jesus talked about the gospel being preached. The gospel is good news. We need more good news. The footnote in my study Bible describes the gospel this way: the good news that God has acted to save the perishing human race through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through God’s Good News we see God’s righteousness and understand the conviction of sin. The Good News shows us that we will be judged, but that we do not have to live in fear of the judgement when we receive God’s forgiveness.
Because the body and blood of Jesus were offered on the cross, we have God’s assurance of forgiveness and our eternal home with Him. Jesus gave us a memorial to remind us - Communion. It is a time of personal reflection and examination as we remember the amazing love and sacrifice of Jesus. I must keep in my memory the price Jesus paid. This price included the betrayal by some of His closest followers. Betrayal is one of the most difficult experiences to endure. In His deepest hour of need Jesus’ friends abandoned Him. Peter even cursed in his denial of Jesus. The symbols used in Communion remind us of the high cost of sin and the payment required by God’s righteousness.
There are some skeptics today who claim that Jesus never said He was the Savior, the Christ. They need to read verses 61-62. Jesus clearly says He is the Christ. His claim to be the Savior and the evidence of the resurrection is proof that He is worthy of my worship and service. The accusers didn’t believe and said He was guilt of blasphemy because of His claim. To the question if He was the Christ, Jesus clearly said, “I am”.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
In our church we traditionally receive communion once a month. The frequency of communion is not an issue. The important point is that believers receive it and participate in it Biblically. The Bible is clear that it is only for believers in Jesus. It is a time to do a spiritual inventory and be sure I’m in right standing with and living for Jesus. The more I live the more I realize that I forget. I can’t forget what Jesus did for me.
I also must not let any pressure cause me to deny Jesus. In Mark chapter 13, Jesus is quoted as saying that people will hate believers because of Jesus. When people hate Jesus today, I must never compromise my belief to attempt to make things easier in my life. Here in chapter 14 we see the disciples running when things got difficult.
When Jesus faced the most demanding situations in life, He went to prayer. Knowing He was facing the arrest and crucifixion, He went to Gethsemane to pray. It was too bad that the disciples fell asleep. I really appreciate when I can pray with others, and not just alone, when I am facing a battle. But, if there is no one else, I still need to pray.
3. How can I help someone?
When people can see the truth of the sacrifice of Jesus it speaks to their hearts of His great love for them. I need to continue to find ways to show His sacrifice to others. Even though Peter denied Jesus, he was forgiven. That truth is an encouragement to all. I have talked with many who feel guilt for past transgressions who wonder if they can be forgiven. Jesus forgave Peter. He will forgive anyone.
For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."
Romans 10:13 NKJV
Bible Chapter: Mark 13
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This chapter is a series of warnings. There is an intense spiritual battle to try to get people confused and walk away from Jesus. And, the battle is getting worse as the days to by. Jesus said watch out, be alert and be on your guard. We are to be alert to spiritual false teachings and anything that might cause us to reject God or doubt that He is planning to return.
A verse that jumped out to me as I read was verse 13. Jesus said that people will hate believers because of Jesus. That is amazing. Not just not like, but hate. The one who stands firm to the end will be saved. The more I live and read what people are saying today, the more I realize that people really do hate Jesus and what He taught. There is a real venom in the hearts and minds of some people today, and it is getting worse. By association, as a follower of Jesus, I (we) am (are) hated as well. I am amazed at how the simple truths of Jesus can be twisted and distorted to say what He never intended.
I guess I’m old enough to remember what it used to be like. Now, when someone stands up for Biblical teachings and values they are vilified in the most astounding ways. Chaplains are told not to pray in the name of Jesus. There are those who would like to take all crosses out of cemeteries. Death threats become real and the list goes on. To simply express Biblical values is called hate speech. To disagree can bring lawsuits and criminal prosecution. Jesus was accurate when He said that His followers would be hated because of Him.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to live my life daily being ready for the return of Jesus. No one knows the day or hour when our last minute will be. Jesus said to be alert. I believe being alert includes living a life that honors Jesus and shows that He is in control. I find it sometimes difficult to respond to the hatred in a Christlike way. I would like to prove my point in such a way that the scoffers cannot miss the message. I have to be careful to not get angry in a destructive way. Live ready for Jesus is what I must continue to do.
3. How can I help someone?
The fact that the Bible says Jesus will come some day is not readily believed by many today. As I have opportunity I must help people see this truth and how they can be ready. There is nothing more important than being ready to see Jesus. We all will stand before Him some day. Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.
Bible Chapter: Mark 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Again, Jesus faced the religious critics who were hoping to make a fool of Him. This is a tactic that the forces of evil have used since the beginning and are still using today to make followers of Jesus look brain-dead. Jesus challenged the Sadducees when they tried to trick Him with a question about marriage and heaven. In verse 24 Jesus told them they were in error because they did not know the scriptures or the power of God. That same error continues to be a problem as many modern church leaders are confused about what the Bible says. And, they have no idea about the reality of the power of God. They fall into the same trap the Sadducees were in; they have lots of religious knowledge and are zealous, but are not in connection with God or His power. Any strong building has a good foundation. Strong spiritual leaders and strong local churches have a strong spiritual foundation. Sadly, many churches today have weak foundations that lead to weakness in their spiritual life. They are only going through a routine. The weak foundation also leads to only knowing theory about the power of God, even to belief that God doesn’t do the supernatural any more.
Jesus talked about the greatest commandment. We are to love God with everything we have. This love will lead us to do the next thing He said, love our neighbor as we love ourselves. This commandment helps us understand the difference between being religious and going through religious routines and the real relationship God designed us to have with Him. Religious routine is filled with a long list of rules and regulations that don’t have anything to do with serving God. A love relationship brings us close to Jesus. This genuine love causes us to want to please and honor God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to continue to focus on this great commandment. What does it mean to love God? While all who are truly saved know what it is, we need to continue to grow to know more and more what it means. So, I need to continue to mature in understanding how Jesus expressed His love for the world. I need to continue to grasp the application of loving my neighbor. I believe that there is massive confusion about what this means. I hear people say that Jesus said to love, and they interpret love as approval of anything someone does. It is applied in such a way that people are sinning and, supposedly, the love of Jesus for the person doesn’t say anything lest it be considered criticism or intolerance. Real love would be finding a way to point out the error of their ways and showing them the forgiveness offered by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. While Jesus offered forgiveness, He also called sin what it really is, sin. He told people they need to repent.
I also need to be sure I don’t fall into the trap Jesus warned about in verses 38-39. He told of teachers of the law who make themselves important and require special treatment. God calls us to be His servants. From time to time we hear of some church leader falling in a trap of sin and discover they were living a life of indulgence and fame. That is an east trap to fall in to.
3. How can I help someone?
Follow the commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself. That is an amazingly helpful thing to anyone who is the recipient of Christlike love.
Bible Chapter: Mark 11
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Mark 11 starts out with the Triumphal Entry. This begins the last week before the crucifixion. The crowds cheered, but soon they turned on Him. As Jesus entered Jerusalem the next day, He went to the temple. There we learn a lesson about God’s house. Jesus said it is to be a house of prayer for all nations. They were making it den of robbers. Jesus’ zeal for righteousness and holiness in God’s house is clearly seen. What is the church to be? It is to be a holy place where people seek and find God. Prayer is a central part of what it is to be. God’s house has been and continues to be profaned by those making it many other things. Some use it for social advancement or business purposes. To some it is a place of entertainment. God designed it as a place to connect with Him.
We find here another lesson in faith. Faith in our hearts that comes from God will move mountains. Jesus included a lesson in increasing our faith through forgiveness. He said that while you are praying “If you hold anything against anyone, forgive him”. Forgiving sets us free and increases our connection with God.
This chapter includes another attempt to trap Jesus. We see an important insight here. Jesus didn’t simply answer their question. There are times when people try to trap a believer in a discussion where there is no exit or solution. Jesus recognized that situation here and refused to answer their question. This is a good lesson for us. Jesus never shied away from any issue, but He also didn’t let the scoffers define the issue. Let God guide all our discussions.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Prayer is a key part of my involvement in church. I have learned that praying with other people is very beneficial. I need to keep on praying and participating with other believers as much as possible. This will help my connection with God and my faith to grow. It will help my righteousness to increase and God-honoring holiness to mature. In this chapter there is an illustration of a withered fig tree. Jesus used this to show us that anything is possible with God. We are to continue to stretch spiritually to see God do the things that are considered impossible.
3. How can I help someone?
When discussions come up regarding church, there are many who don’t understand the purpose of the local church. Our self-centered culture has infected the church to make it all about me. The services, music style, preaching style, fellowship style, everything needs to be about me. “They don’t meet my needs” is a common statement these days. Which usually precedes “I’m outa here”. This misses the point that the Bible says over and over that we are to be servants. We are here to serve the Lord and other people. If I can truly apply a life of service and help others recognize the same for their lives, I will have helped them.
Bible Chapter: Mark 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jesus was never afraid to take on the difficult subjects. He was also the recipient of many questions that were motivated by a desire to trip Him up and make Him look foolish. Here some Pharisees came to ask about divorce. I think that one of the most important verses in the Bible regarding marriage is found in verse 9. It says that God does the joining in marriage. That insight gives great understanding to the whole issue and the importance of a careful decision regarding the person to marry. This also exposes the lie of a so-called quick and easy divorce.
God’s design for the human race from the beginning has always been a man and woman getting married, having a family and giving structure and stability to society. Jesus clearly said that a man and woman would create a family, becoming one in many ways. I have often described this as God’s super-glue. Marriage is the strongest bond in human relationships. My parents were married sixty years. At the end, when my father was sick and in the nursing home, my mother still went daily to spend time with him and help him any way she could. It wasn’t that she was his slave, but that they had a genuine marriage bond, a genuine relationship that made her want to be with him, even in his weak and sickly state. A Godly marriage is not the old “ball and chain” that some describe, but a blessing given from God.
Another part of this chapter deals with how hard it is to make it to heaven. Jesus was asked, “Who then can be saved?”. And the response was that with people it is impossible but “all things are possible with God.” So, we see that salvation, an eternal home in heaven requires God’s involvement. We need to come to God as little children would come. We must come to Jesus humbly and wholeheartedly, turning from sin and receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior. It will also cost us something. We have to give up controlling our own lives and give all to Him. There may be major sacrifices we make, but the eternal rewards will be overwhelming. Take the place God has given you, be faithful in that place, and watch God come through.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is very easy to get caught up in material possessions and thinking they are the most important issue of life. Verse 22 talks about the young man who was sad at Jesus’ response because he had many possessions. They were more important to him than receiving God’s gift of eternal life. Having things is not evil as long as the things don’t have me.
I am thankful for the understand of marriage that I was taught as a young person. It really is a gift from God. I’m sorry to see so many young people today afraid of marriage because of the confusion they see in our modern world. I also must be sure to not get trapped in the debate of redefining marriage to anything other than what Jesus clearly described in this chapter.
3. How can I help someone?
I have had the privilege of talking with young people about marriage and the relationships that lead to a good marriage. I must be open to always try to continue to help them see the best path to a good marriage. It starts from the beginning of the friendship, dating relationship. It starts long before they begin to consider marrying a specific person. I want to help people sort through the confusion and not be afraid of a good and Godly relationship.
Bible Chapter: Mark 9
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This chapter has a verse that I think we all can identify with. A man brought his son for deliverance. He asked Jesus, “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” Jesus responded “If I can?”. The father responded “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief”. This is where we come in. We believe, but unbelief always wants to creep in and hinder. This is an amazing prayer. Lord, help my weakness in believing that you can do all. Lord, help me grow and mature in trusting you. The more we grow in faith the more we will see supernatural interventions in life. It is only through God’s involvement that anything ever happens.
I think we can also identify with an argument the disciples had. They were arguing about who among them was the greatest. Jesus helped them understand greatness from God’s perspective. Jesus said that greatness was being a servant. Our modern culture worships fame and fortune. We have people whose claim to fame is being famous. They are not famous because they did something great, they are famous because they inherited money and know how to live in the limelight. They are considered great. Others are considered great because they can hit or throw or catch a ball. The church will advance best when it is filled with servants.
One more thought jumps out to me here. The section starting in verse 42 is marked in the themefinders in my Bible as Walking In Obedience And Righteousness. It talks about causing a child to sin. Jesus said that anything would be better than causing a child to sin. Children are the recipients of the love of God and the target of Satan’s destruction. The attacks against children are increasing. We must walk in obedience and righteousness helping children to know that Jesus loves them and protecting them from the pain of the evil one.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can continue to work on increasing faith. I must remember Jesus’ response to the father who said “If you can” when He incredulously said “If I can?”. There is no doubt in the mind of God that He can do anything. That needs to be my mind set as well.
I also need to keep God’s focus about children. They are precious. I am reminded of an old hymn from the 1800's written by William O. Cushing. I haven’t thought of it in a long time. It is called Jewels. It was often sung at baby dedications. The third verse says:
Little children, little children, Who love their Redeemer,
Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own.
Throughout His earthly life Jesus showed great care and compassion for children. They are precious and deserve protection. The greatest thing people can do for children is point them to their loving Savior.
3. How can I help someone?
Jesus said that being a servant is greatness. The world is lacking servants. People need servants. “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” -- from verse 35.
Bible Chapter: Mark 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jesus talked about the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod. Through their traditions they set aside God’s commandments and God’s will. People look for ease and comfort in their religious experience. It is a spirit of worldliness. Believers in Jesus must not allow human ideas and secular teachings to dilute the Gospel. A little yeast permeates the whole lump of dough. A little spiritual yeast infiltrates the whole person bringing spiritual failure.
Jesus also talked about the suffering and rejection He would experience, leading in the end to His death on the cross. Peter rebuked Him for these sayings. Jesus responded that Peter didn’t understand the things of God and was thinking like a human. Jesus said that those who take the easy way out (who wants to save his life) will miss out on the best God has for them. Jesus said that we must take up our cross and follow Him. This means that everything will not be smooth in our journey. This teaching is the opposite of many modern teachers who proclaim that enough faith will make life easy.
The cross is a symbol of suffering, death, shame ridicule, rejection and self-denial. There is a battle against sin that we must fight. The more we work for God the more the forces of evil will push back. This includes persecution. Believers must reject the standards of the world, separate ourselves from the morality of the world and be faithful to Jesus in spite of ridicule.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Verse 38 talks about not being ashamed of Jesus in this adulterous and sinful generation. There is a word in the Bible I came across years ago, but not one used commonly today. It is lascivious. This word gives a picture of a person acting sinfully in such a way that they are sinful and proud of it. It talks about unbridled sinful actions. Lascivious is a good description of our current society. Entertainment is riddled with sinful actions as the central focus of the program. I have come to the conclusion that there are few good writers any more in the entertainment field. It seems like the only thing they can produce for laughs or gaining attention is filth.
It is easy to get trapped in the thinking process of the world around. This can lead to rejecting the narrow way of Jesus and acting like I’m ashamed of His teachings. Jesus said that if I am ashamed of Him and His words, He will be ashamed of me. I need to apply the clear teachings of the Bible daily and not be ashamed of them. I’ve come to the conclusion that the sinners should be ashamed, but they don’t seem to be.
I need to echo Peter’s word in verse 29, “You are the Christ”. Jesus is the Anointed One come from God.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people see the difference between human religious tradition and the teachings of Jesus. The yeast Jesus talked about seems to be more widespread today and appears to be increasing. Many church groups are filled with yeast. It has blinded many. I need to pray for God to reveal this to people that their spiritual eyes will be opened.
Bible Chapter: Mark 7
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jesus talked about people who honor God with their lips and not their hearts. Words are cheap. People connected with a religious organization often want to try to impress with their “deep spirituality”. It is easy to say something that sounds good and will draw praise from others. This sounds like the world of politics. How many people have said something during the campaign and then forgot it after being elected? The church world is full of people who say things that sound good but they have no heart connection with Jesus. They have a religious shell. Jesus said their hearts are far from Him. Rules and regulations created by religious leaders that have nothing to do with serving God only cause problems and confusion. Jesus said their worship was vain because they teach only manmade rules. We must have a living faith in Jesus, not routines and rituals that manipulate and control people.
The religious leaders were concerned with ritual washing, so they would be “clean”. Jesus hit that issue head on. He said it wasn’t what a person eats that makes the difference, but what is in their heart. Verses 21-23 focus on what is in a person’s heart, and this is a scary list. A lack of moral integrity and spiritual discernment that come from not knowing God lead people to extremely sinful actions. These are key verses to identify the issues of motivation for actions. No food manufacturer would want to identify an ingredients list that includes poison and rotten food. So, no believer in Jesus would want these sinful actions in their heart. A clean heart leads to a clean lifestyle. Society is perplexed as to how people who seem so nice can be discovered having done heinous acts. The issue is what is in their hearts. A clean heart leads to a clean life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can be sure to have my priorities straight. What is more important - human traditions or God’s Word? This is why I must continue to study the Bible to keep it fresh in my life. Having preached thousands of times it is easy to fall into a trap of thinking I have it all figured out. No one has it all figured out. We understand the basics but must keep digging for the deeper depths of the things of God. We all must keep on studying and reading, making in-course corrections to stay on the straight and narrow path. I need to continue to focus on keeping the input to my heart clean so the output stays clean. Compromise on the input leads to destructive output.
While I didn’t write about it earlier, chapter 7 includes two more stories of miraculous healings. One is about a woman who came to Jesus seeking help for her daughter. In what seems like an uncharacteristic move by Jesus, it appears that He rejects her. Her persistence and faith is shown to rise and Jesus immediately responded to her request. This shows that anyone can come to Jesus. I must not get trapped into the thinking that only good or religious people can come to Jesus. This is a good thought.
3. How can I help someone?
Our world is confused as to how people can do the horrible things they do. I can help people see the heart issue. It is what is in the heart that comes out. People need to understand that a sinful nature will produce sinful actions. They also need to know that Jesus forgives when there is genuine repentance.
Bible Chapter: Mark 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
I try to think of giving dishonor to Jesus. I guess it is a scary thought to actually do it. This chapter starts out showing Jesus as a prophet without honor. Jesus went to His hometown and taught in the synagogue. The people questioned His authority and teaching. They took offense at what He taught. People are still offended by truth when it points out their need to change. While Jesus was mobbed everywhere else He went, here He was doubted.
Verses 5 & 6 give an important insight. Because of the lack of faith in His hometown He couldn’t do many miracles there. Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith. The unbelief of people hinders the power of God. I see that in our modern culture, the fact that we “know” God doesn’t do miracles any more (anyone with any intelligence knows that). Many Christian leaders preach that today. I was in a conversation one time when some Christians flat out said that God doesn’t heal people today. And yet, I knew they prayed for people when they were sick. I wondered what they prayed about and why. My faith is a critical part of seeing supernatural intervene in the issues of life.
The story of the death of John the Baptist is included in this chapter. John had not compromised when he told Herod it was wrong to take his brother’s wife. God’s moral standards are for everyone. John understood right and wrong and wasn’t afraid to tell the truth. For this unflinching proclamation of the truth, John was eventually beheaded. Mark’s account of the life of Jesus includes much discussion about the importance of faith. John’s story includes another important ingredient, the refusal to compromise truth. Bending truth out of convenience and a desire for popularity is destructive and dangerous. Genuine truth is truth is truth. It is not subject to the latest opinion poll.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Again, another challenge to grow in my faith shows up in the Bible. Jesus had compassion on a large crowd and supernaturally fed them a meal. Out of a sack lunch thousands were filled. God is never perplexed by lack of any material items. Since He made the whole world out of nothing, He can create whatever is needed.
I am also challenged to not compromise truth, no matter how unpopular it may be. We are seeing countless examples of spiritual battles attempting to change things that God designed. God gave us the family and that is being attacked and redefined in ways that amaze. Simply for stating what the majority have believed for millennia, people and businesses are being viciously attacked. I have to determine what I believe and stick with it. Since Jesus never changes, if I am a true follower, then I will stick with what He taught. He is the standard.
3. How can I help someone?
I can be consistent in the unchanging truths of God’s Word. I can help people to see the reality and purpose of His truth and how people are better off when they learn and apply God’s way in life. If Jesus can walk on water (and He did) then He can do anything.
Bible Chapter: Mark 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
It must have been amazing to travel with Jesus. The list of stories goes on and on about how He healed and set people free. There were large crowds that followed. Mark 5 starts out with delivering a man possessed by many demons. We see the power of Jesus as there wasn’t a struggle, the demons had to do what He said. This should help our fear and doubts of what Jesus can do. This man was well-known for his evil and destructive behavior. I would think the local people would have been happy to see something good happen, but they pleaded with Jesus to leave. The man wanted to go with Jesus but He told him it was more important to return home and tell of what Jesus had done. People need to hear testimonies of God’s power. That should speak to me to be always ready to talk about what God is doing. One of the most powerful words is the real and current testimony of what God is doing.
This chapter gives another encouragement for believers to have faith. Jesus told the father of a dead girl, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Wow, Jesus is not afraid to take on the hard issues. Fear commonly causes people to not step out in faith. But, we need to continually step out in faith. This is what the woman who had been ill for twelve years did. She reached out to Jesus and He healed her. Reach out to Jesus and believe for miracles.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to keep filling my mind and heart with the truths of God’s Word that tell me of the impossible things God continually does. I need to continue reading the modern testimonies of the supernatural. I need to continue to expect God to intervene here where I live. Most people have faith that God will do the supernatural somewhere else, but not where they are. My faith needs to be local, as well and international. Step out in faith. Faith must be applied in the life of every believer. Even if a person only has a little faith, they need to use what they have and watch it grow.
3. How can I help someone?
Encourage people that Jesus is real and ready today to help. Mark 5 included both people who doubted and those who believed. Jesus didn’t ask the woman who touched Him what her theology was, He healed her as she reached out in faith. I can help people see who Jesus really is. They will never be the same after they have genuine contact with Jesus.
Bible Chapter: Mark 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God loves everyone and desires their salvation. There is an astounding battle to prevent people from receiving this gift from God. Even as the Gospel is preached and people respond, not all will follow through and live a dedicated Christian life. Some of the seed will bring results that do not last. Other seed produces a large spiritual crop.
Salvation comes through the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit. While salvation is a free gift from God, there is a cost to follow Jesus. The Bible talks about counting the cost. There must be a heart change that makes Jesus the Lord, Master and Controller of life. True salvation comes through the convincing work of the Holy Spirit. A genuine heart conversion is required. The battle for the soul doesn’t end when a person prays a prayer of repentance. When the real pull and temptation of Satan comes, many fall away. We also deal with the issue of worldly concerns, riches and pleasure. The Bible says the love of money is the root of evil. We also live in a world that worships pleasure. If it is not fun, I don’t want any part of it. This mentality has drifted to the church world. We have to entertain to get a crowd. That should not be. The power and presence of God is more than enough.
This chapter gives another potent example of the power of God and His call for us to have faith in Him. They were in a boat on the water. As happens there often, a powerful storm came up and they were afraid they would sink. Jesus had to be awakened by the disciples (we can see how worried He was). He simply spoke the words and the storm stopped, to the amazement of the disciples. Jesus asked them why they were afraid and then said, “Do you still have no faith?” Over and over in the life of Jesus we are challenged to have faith in Him for anything.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Even those who have been saved need to continue to grow in their understanding of the gift of eternal life Jesus offers. While it is a simple act of faith to receive the gift from God, it is also much more. It requires belief and then spiritual growth. In the growth people must give control to the Lord. There will be issues we all deal with to pull us away and cause confusion. Material possessions and pleasures will always be put before us to pull us away. Cares and problems will interfere. Growth spiritually must continue continually.
I also need to continue to stretch in faith. Fear is so easy to come in and hinder. Give God control and let Him deal with the challenges. It is interesting that Jesus asked the disciples if they had any faith when the literal storm was large. That lake has a history of bad storms coming up quickly. It is a large and deep lake. The disciples were experienced in what could happen and yet Jesus asked why they were concerned. Where is your faith? It is a good question to ponder.
3. How can I help someone?
As I am reading this chapter and writing this, I am challenged to pray more for the spiritual eyes, the spiritual understanding of people to be opened. The more I think about it the more I am amazed at how spiritually blinded people are. So many truths should be so obvious and yet people just stumble through life not able to see what is right in front of them. I can help people by interceding for them to hear and respond to the work of the Holy Spirit.
Bible Chapter: Mark 3
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
One day Jesus went to a synagogue and met something that became a familiar sight: religious folks looking for a way to accuse Him. They were always out to find ways to attack Him and cause people to reject Him. That became routine. It is still routine. It is interesting today that people are trying to pass laws that forbid praying in Jesus’ name. I think it is interesting that Mark identifies Jesus’ reply as anger and deep distress at their stubborn hearts.
Jesus was angry at their sinful hearts. He hates sin. We will never see any more love wrapped up in anyone than Jesus. At the same time, He absolutely hated and hates sin. The sinful hearts of these religious folks actually caused them to say that Jesus shouldn’t heal a crippled hand on the Sabbath. Their religious rules were more important to them than human need. Jesus was angry at that attitude, ignored their selfishness and healed the man.
Another part of this chapter shows another accusation against Jesus. Jesus was driving demons out of people. The teachers of the law said He did it through the power of Beelzebub, the prince of demons. Jesus’ response is an important lesson for the church today.
The response was that a kingdom divided against itself will not stand. If Satan casts out demons, then his kingdom would fall. Unity is required for strength. We must be very aware of this truth today and not allow anything to cause dissension in the church body. I love the old statement: we will have unity around here even if we have to fight to keep it. It is the enemy who continues to point out minor things that frustrate believers and cause problems. We must continually reject anything that causes problems.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to continue to study the Bible to grasp the truths and principles God wants me to know and live. I need to separate them from religious traditions (and they are not all bad). Bible teaching must continue to be the foundation for daily life. This will help keep sin away. I also need to hate sin and the destruction it does to people.
Verse 35 has an interesting thought to apply. Jesus was told that His family was outside waiting for Him. Mark quoted Jesus as He said that whoever does God’s will is His family. That’s an insightful comment. Jesus puts doing God’s will very high on the list of what is important. That speaks to me to continually seek to find God’s will and then do it. God’s will is clearly found through obedience to the commands of the scriptures. It is also found in digging deep to hear the voice of God for me individually. Striving to hear and obey God’s will is a top priority.
3. How can I help someone?
There is so much confusion about who Jesus is. People want to define Him in their own ways. The religious folk did that 2,000 years ago and people still do that today. “I’m not going to believe in a God who . . . .” I can help people to see who Jesus really is and why He is like that. We are better off because Jesus is the way He is. He is against sin because of what it does to people. Jesus was filled with compassion and healed and delivered people. He does the same today.
Bible Chapter: Mark 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The awesomeness of being with Jesus! That jumps out in reading this chapter. The people crowded in wherever Jesus went. They did this because He was healing and delivering people. They had never seen anything like this. Jesus showed that He not only had power to heal, but to forgive, as well. Guilt and remorse from participating in sin are rampant in the human race and they are hard taskmasters. Humans don’t have the power to overcome them, but Jesus does.
There are an interesting two words in v. 14. Jesus, speaking to Levi, simply said “Follow me.” And, he did. Levi got up from his work and began to follow Jesus. It makes me think of what happens when people really do follow Jesus. In the next paragraph we see that Jesus was Levi’s house and their dinner was attended by “sinners”. The religious folks were upset at who Jesus spent time with. Jesus showed His priority by responding that healthy people don’t need a doctor, but the sick do. Those who have been delivered from the power of sin don’t need salvation, but sinners desperately do. Jesus reached out to those in need, because their need was so desperate. Following Jesus might upset the religious people, but it meets the real needs people have.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jesus taught about fasting. This is never any fun. I find it interesting that we have been influenced to think that serving Jesus should be all about having fun. Fasting and prayer is one of the spiritual weapons God gives us to show His power. He said that He expects us to fast. I know this is a battle because I can miss a meal and it often doesn’t matter. However, whenever I fast I’m hungry, and it seems like it’s not that big of a deal to eat, because I’m really hungry. If I don’t eat I’ll probably get sick or something.
God gave us the Sabbath. This is a regular time of rest and spiritual refreshing. It is a time of spiritual renewal. Our culture has basically abandoned the Sabbath rest and refreshing. Sunday is like any other day of the week. And, we are busier and more worn out than ever. Christians absolutely must consider the rest and give God His day. We need the time of spiritual encouragement, Christian fellowship, teaching and change that comes from giving God this one day a week. And, we shouldn’t simply rush to church and then run all over doing hundreds of other things. The Lord’s Day really needs to be HIS day. We need rest, we need change, we need refreshing. Rest renews our minds, souls and bodies.
3. How can I help someone?
I need to see people as people. I must not look at who can help me or make life better and only reach out to befriend those folks. I need to see the needs people have and know that Jesus reached out to all the people around Him, even the unpopular ones. Like the friends who didn’t let anything deter them from getting the paralyzed person to Jesus, I need to not let anything hinder me from showing Jesus to those in need.
Bible Chapter: Mark 1
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Mark is the shortest and most succinct of the gospels and may have been the first gospel written. Mark did not cover the birth or childhood of Jesus, but started out with Him as an adult at the beginning of His ministry. This book covers much of what Jesus did and not as much of His teachings.
Chapter one starts out with John the Baptist and Jesus’ baptism. John was in the desert region preaching repentance for the forgiveness of sins. He was telling that Jesus would come.
After His baptism, Jesus went to the wilderness for a period of temptations. After the temptation, Jesus began to gather His disciples who would follow Him during the next three years. Jesus preached repentance for the time that had been promised throughout the Old Testament was come. He would fulfill the prophecies of the Messiah. The temptation of Jesus was real and powerful. That is encouraging to remember that He knows what we go through.
Mark told of Jesus going to Capernaum and meeting a demon-possessed man. He commanded the demon to leave. The people were amazed at the authority Jesus had. They questioned how it was that the evil spirits listened to and obeyed Jesus.
Jesus went to Simon and Andrew’s house where the crowds followed. He healed many and delivered many of being possessed by evil spirits. News was quickly spreading about what was happening. I can imagine how word spread through those small towns. People were excited. Some were coming to see a show. Some were coming to see the power of God help people. When God’s power is somewhere, people are drawn.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The power and authority of Jesus. Since Jesus never changes, neither does His power and authority. Jesus gave a good example to show us that He went away to pray. I need to continue to remind myself of how important this is. Simon and some others found Jesus and said everyone was looking for Him. Jesus said they should go through the villages of Galilee and preach. Jesus did that and healed and delivered many people. I need to hear from God and then do what He says.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people to see Jesus, that He never changes. I think of the words of the song, “I’ve just seen Jesus, and I’ll never be the same again”. That is true for everyone who really meets Him.
Bible Book: Mark
Because the Bible is practical, here is an overview of the book.
Author: Mark
Type of Book: Gospel
Theme: Jesus: Miracle Worker, Suffering Servant and Son of God
Date of Writing: A.D. 55-65
Among the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)—the narrative accounts of the “good news” (i.e., gospel) of Jesus Christ—Mark is the shortest (but at the same time very complete) account of “the beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (1:1). Although the author is not identified by name in the book itself (this is true of all the Gospels), the testimony most agreed upon by the church throughout its history has been that John Mark was responsible for its writing. This man grew up in Jerusalem. His mother’s house had served as a meeting place for early believers (Ac 12:12), and he was among the first-generation Christians. He had the unique opportunity of ministering with three NT apostles (i.e., pioneer leaders of the early church): Paul (Ac 13:1-13; Col 4:10; Phm 1:24), Barnabas (Ac 15:39) and Peter (1Pe 5:13; see Ac 14:4, note on “apostles”). According to Papias (c. A.D. 130) and other second-century church leaders and historians, Mark got most of the information for his Gospel from his association with Peter (one of Jesus’ closest disciples and a leader of the original church in Jerusalem). Mark wrote the narrative (historical account of the true story of what happened in, to and through the life of Jesus Christ) in Rome and focused particularly on communicating with the Roman Christians. Although the specific date for the writing of Mark’s Gospel is uncertain, most scholars date it in the late 50s or the 60s. It may have been the first of the four Gospels to be written.
In the 60s of the first century A.D., the general public in Rome treated the Christians cruelly, and many were tortured and killed by the Roman Emperor Nero. According to tradition, the early church leaders, Peter and Paul, were among the Christian martyrs (i.e., those who were killed for their faith in Christ) in Rome during this decade. As one of the church leaders in Rome, John Mark was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write about Jesus’ life in anticipation of, or as a response to, this time of persecution. By recounting Jesus’ example of power and suffering, death and resurrection, no doubt Mark strengthened and encouraged faith in Jesus’ followers in Rome and inspired courage in those who were suffering for their faith.
In a fast-moving description of events, Mark presents Jesus as the Son of God who filled the roles of both a suffering servant and the spiritual Savior of the world. That is to say, Mark’s message strongly focused on Jesus’ humanity and his divinity (i.e., the fact that he is God). The climax (i.e., highest point or most important event, after which the narrative moves quickly toward its end) of the book is an episode in Caesarea Philippi, followed by the transfiguration (see 8:27-9:10 for a defining description of these events). At this point, Jesus fully confirms to the disciples his identity as the Christ (i.e., the Messiah, Savior) and fully reveals his mission to give his life for us. The first half of Mark focuses primarily on Jesus’ powerful miracles and on his authority over sickness and demons as signs that God’s kingdom was near. This means that his power, purposes and way of life on earth were fully in progress and proceeding according to God’s perfect plan. At Caesarea Philippi, however, Jesus tells his disciples openly that he “must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again” (8:31). There are many references throughout Mark to suffering as the cost of following Christ (e.g., 3:21-22, 30; 8:34-38; 10:30, 33-34, 45; 13:8, 11-13). In God’s kingdom, however, suffering for Christ will, in the end, lead to freedom and victory, as shown in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
Special Features
Four major features characterize Mark’s Gospel: (1) It is a Gospel of action, putting more emphasis on what Jesus did than on what he said. Mark records eighteen miracles but only four of his parables (short word pictures that teach a lesson or make a specific point), not including parable-type statements. (2) It is a Gospel especially written for the Romans—explaining Jewish customs, omitting all Jewish genealogies (i.e., family histories) and birth stories, translating Aramaic words and using Latin terms. (3) It is a Gospel that begins abruptly and moves rapidly from one episode to another, often making transitions using the Greek term for “immediately” (42 times). (4) It is a Gospel of clear and lively images and descriptions that report the events of Jesus’ life with the direct, brief, complete and artistic style of a skilled writer.
Giving credit where credit is due. These informational notes about this book come from the Full Life Study Bible, also known as the Fire Bible. Don Stamps, editor. Originally published by Life Publishers.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 28
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This last chapter of Matthew starts out with the resurrection. Exciting. I can’t imagine what it was like to be there that day. This is one of the key events in all of history. At first they were very sad, thinking someone had taken the body of Jesus away. Then, the amazing realization that He was not dead any more. It was overwhelming. Jesus was dead, they saw Him die. But, no longer. He was no longer dead. They scattered to spread the word. I’m sure they were met with much skepticism. God sent an angel to let them know of the resurrection and assure them it was true. He is NOT HERE, He is RISEN. Awesome!! Because Jesus lives we have eternal life. The excitement of the resurrection is not limited to Easter Sunday morning.
The forces of evil are always on the scene to try to mess things up. They spread a lie that Jesus’ body had been stolen. Money was used to spread the story. For every powerful truth there is a counterfeit. Sadly, today some people still believe the lie. This steals the blessings of this miracle.
Matthew ends with what is called The Great Commission. It is the command to make disciples of Jesus. A disciple is a learner. It is the responsibility of believers to help people learn of Jesus, to be students of His, that they will grow in their personal relationship with Jesus. Make disciples. That is the command that makes the difference. Beyond seeing people converted to Jesus, people are to become disciples so they will observe His commands. Another of Satan’s lies these days is that it is a bad thing to proselytize. Yet, if people don’t hear about Jesus and become a believer, they miss the blessings of being forgiven, having God’s hope in their hearts and living forever in Heaven.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must work to be the strongest disciple I can be for Jesus. That means that I must continue to learn, continue to study. No matter how much I know, there is always more to grasp about God and more changes for Him to make in my life. He is infinite, so there will always be more for our finite minds to grasp. Study, learn, apply.
I must also apply the reality of the resurrection to daily life. When it seems like the issues of life are going to overwhelm, I must remember that Jesus conquered death. If He can handle that, He can handle anything. Jesus has all authority and He has promised to always be with us.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help others by being a disciple so they can see Jesus. I can let the victory of the resurrection live in my life so that people can see it really does make a difference.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 27
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This chapter covers the horrors of the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus. It was made possible, in part, due to the traitor, Judas. Sin always looks so attractive and beneficial during the temptation stage. Judas was excited about receiving money for giving Jesus to the accusers, until he finally realized what he had done. When he tried to return the money the religious folks, they all of the sudden got righteous and said they couldn’t take “blood money”. They paid the blood money in the first place. Judas went out and killed himself, the remorse was so overwhelming. This is where sin leads. It can never fulfill the promises made. It always extracts a high price.
Another issue to consider in this chapter is the envy that consumed those who called for Jesus’ crucifixion. There are sinful and human characteristics that cause people to do horrible things. This is why developing a Christ-like character is so important. When issues like envy control, people will do evil and destructive actions that end up hurting both the victim and the perpetrator.
The main focus of chapter 27 is the sufferings of Jesus in the process that led to the crucifixion, and the crucifixion itself. It is important for readers to focus on what He went through. The cause of all this suffering was the sin committed by humans. The overwhelming love of God for His highest creation caused Jesus to complete the mission, in spite of the horror of it all.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is important for me to not just read this chapter as history, history that I have already read many times before. I need to see what really happened. Matthew gives many details and I must not just skim over them. Seeing the suffering Jesus experienced must influence my life. It must influence my decisions and priorities. Seeing the outcome for Judas must cause me to have a hatred for active participation in sin. No person starts out one day committing horrible sin. It is a progression that starts small. As the progression continues, often people don’t see the impact until it is too late. Judas was one of the inner circle of men who spend three years with Jesus and he ended up in shame. Thoughts and actions do have consequences.
Jesus endured the mockery. No one likes to be mocked. Because there was a purpose for going through the process of the crucifixion, Jesus endured the mocking. If we are being faithful in service to Jesus, there is a purpose and eternal result that is worth any scoffing.
3. How can I help someone?
I think of young people who give up on Jesus because of the mocking and scoffing they receive because of a stand taken for Jesus. I want to help them understand that any pain that is felt in not worth giving up on a strong and growing relationship with Jesus. The suffering endured here is short compared to the glory of eternity. The issue of peer pressure is not worth losing out with Jesus. Adults face this as well. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jesus came to the earth for the specific purpose of dying on the cross as the pardon for the sins of the world. Yet, in this chapter we see an insight in to the character and deception of the evil one. Verse 4 tells us that they were conspiring to capture Jesus secretly to kill Him. Deception, misrepresentation is a normal part of Satan’s way of functioning. Followers of Jesus must be cognizant of these sneaking tactics so we don’t fall in the trap that leads to sin. We must be honest and ethical, since we have nothing to hide.
Matthew told the story of communion. Jesus introduced His followers to this special memorial. We need this memorial regularly because we have such a tendency to forget the important things. “This do in remembrance of Me.” What are we to remember? The sacrificial death of Jesus, that His blood was spilled and His body was beaten. He did it for the whole world, every person, so they can restore the relationship with God that was destroyed because of sin. Communion gives us a time for inspection and reflection. It is a time of spiritual housecleaning. It reminds us of our need to live for Jesus, after all He has done for us.
This chapter begins the story of the arrest of Jesus and all the sorrow that entails. His disciples promised Him total faithfulness and support. Then they failed in that. When Jesus needed them to be praying for Him, they went to sleep. Peter even denied knowing Him. There was the pathetic mockery of a trial. Everything about this time was sad.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When things are going well and we feel the presence of the Lord, it is easy to make promises to stay close to Jesus. When things get hard is when we find out how serious we were about the promises. There are many hard parts of serving Jesus. It really is a battle. Jesus heard the words that even if everyone else abandoned Him, Peter would stay faithful. His response was that within hours Peter would deny Him.
Stay faithful even when it hurts or costs. I need to continue to renew that commitment. The reviewing and renewal is a central part of the communion celebration.
I need to continue to see the deception that trips people up spiritually. Judas was trapped in such a way that even now, 2,000 years later, his name is disparaged. Judas had hindsight at the horrible thing he did, but by then it was too late. I need spiritual foresight, everyone has hindsight.
3. How can I help someone?
I think there are many people who don’t really grasp the enormity of the crucifixion. When films have been made of the story that accurately portray the death of Jesus, there are often complaints that it is too bloody. Well, that’s the way it was. As I have opportunity, I can help people see the reality of what Jesus went through. When people see that picture, it helps them see the horror of sin. If sin was no big deal, Jesus would not have had to suffer as He did.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 25
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
I am thinking of an old song that includes the line: work for the night is coming, when man’s work is o’er. Some day the work of believers in Jesus will be completed. Jesus gave a parable of people invited to a wedding. Some were prepared and some were not. The picture here is being prepared for the return of Jesus to take the church to be with Him. Common in the thinking of our modern culture is that everyone, shy of someone like Hitler, will go to heaven. That is simply not true. Jesus talked about the extreme necessity of being spiritually prepared and ready to go when the time comes. Every person is responsible for their own spiritual preparation for eternity. No one can make the decision to follow Jesus for another person. And, we won’t know when we will enter eternity. It will come suddenly and only those who are already prepared will go to be with Jesus. There will be no “last minute preparations” allowed.
Jesus also talked about using our talents and resources for Him. One thing that stands out to me is the fact that not everyone has the same level of talents. Yet, all who were faithful with what they had received the same well done from the Master. It’s not how much you have but what you do with it. God has invested in each person abilities. He expects a return. The problem wasn’t the person who only had one talent, but that he did nothing with it.
Verse 40 is one of the key verses in the Bible. Jesus showed His care for those in need. When we serve the Lord through ministering to those in need, we are doing it directly to Him. That is a powerful encouragement for us to serve in practical ways that make life better.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Use what I have. I can always find someone who has more abilities and resources. It is common for people to say something like, “If I had millions of dollars I sure would use it to make a difference”. Well, most of us don’t have millions of dollars, but we can use what we have. God expects faithfulness with what we have and not worrying about what we don’t have. God expects me to be reliable with what I have. I think that much of what doesn’t happen to help is simply an excuse. Our culture focuses on success. Well, being faithful to God and His commands is being successful, even if it doesn’t lead to fame.
I also need to be continually aware that some day Jesus is going to call for me to stand before Him. I must live ready. This means I must live in continual and vibrant relationship with Him. Not religion but relationship with Jesus, the Savior.
3. How can I help someone?
I like the old saying: find the need, then heal it. Always be on the lookout for ways to help. Think of others. Be ready to put the needs of others first. Use my talents in a way that will be most beneficial to the most people.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 24
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
What is going to happen in the future? That question has been asked millions of times down through the ages. It has been asked countless times specifically regarding the end of the age and the events of eternity. Just when will Jesus return? Jesus was asked about the end times and He gave some answers in chapter 24.
There will be various signs of the end of the age. Many false prophets will come. We see that today as many confused and confusing people are gathering followings. Some have brought people to their death through extreme and strange teachings. One way to avoid that is to become very familiar with the plain teachings of the Bible and reject anything “new”. Become very, very familiar with the truth and the false will stick out. The end of the age will bring wars, famines and earthquakes. Another event we are seeing more often now is persecution of the followers of Jesus. Many news stories have come out with people charged with an amazing list of crimes. This are not only in foreign nations. The foundation of all of the charges is that they believe in Jesus. Jesus said that His followers would be hated, and that is happening.
There will be an increase in wickedness and that is happening. There was an advertisement on TV for a new show that was coming. The last graphic was the words: “Let the sin begin”. I am always amazed when people are proud of their sin. This reminds me of the verse that pride goes before destruction. Millions are on the path to destruction and are proud of it.
We need to be aware that we do NOT know when Jesus will return. He specifically said that we will be surprised when it happens. This means we must live ready, for the unexpected return. We can read the signs, but the Bible is very clear that God alone knows the exact time.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Two will be working in the fields, one will be taken and the other left. To be the one taken means I must be always ready, living ready. While we must read the signs of the times, I must not live obsessed with the concept of the end. I must live ready, work hard and faithfully for Jesus and help people prepare their own hearts. I must be aware of the deceptions and reject them.
3. How can I help someone?
I’m reminded of an old song that says we are to work for the night is coming, when our work is over. I need to work for Jesus so that others hear the truths. I need to help people come to know HIM.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 23
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jesus was never afraid to tell things exactly like they were. He was not afraid to speak to those who thought they were more important than other people. Here He challenged the Pharisees for their religious lifestyle. They were, in reality, fakes who tried to impress people with their spiritual superiority. He told the hearers to not do what the Pharisees did, for they didn’t practice what they preached. They were simply actors. My study Bible says the word for hypocrites is the word for actors in a play. This term was used for those who were putting on an act in public that was only a pretense. They really were spiritually blind. They were looking for praise and position. They were not true servants of God.
Jesus spoke of the troubles these leaders would face because of their lifestyles and teachings. They had rejected parts of the scriptures and replaced them with what they wanted. We see that today in many religious circles. I like to say they are reading from the reversed vision of the Bible. The clear teachings of the Bible have been replaced with modern thoughts. There are those who literally say “we are smarter today than they were thousands of years ago”. This is how church groups can change their stands and approve things the Bible calls sin.
God will always confront sinful spiritual leaders. He will denounce their sin. The truth of the Word of God can never be compromised. Sadly, this seems to happen in every generation.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The Bible describes Jesus as the same, yesterday, today and forever. He never changes. His truth never changes. We are called to be servants, not promoting our self importance. I need to continually seek to find what the message of the Bible is and then learn to apply it. I need to see how Jesus spoke words of conviction to the religious leaders in this chapter and learn from that. Verses 11 & 12 are very practical. Matthew 23:11-12 NKJV
11 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
3. How can I help someone?
Learn to live in humility so I can be a servant. Don’t try to be more important than others. This theme keeps coming up in the Bible. It must be important.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The absolute greatest thing that can happen to anyone anywhere is to know Jesus as their personal Savior and know that He dwells in their heart. This is the assurance of an eternal home in heaven. The invitation has gone out to all. Jesus talked about people who had been invited to a wedding and didn’t come. This was to be an amazing feast with all the best food and celebration. People simply made excuses. They ignored the king who made the invitation. It was more important for them to simply go about their business. Some even killed the messengers of the king. Everything was provided, even the wedding garments.
This parable gives us a picture of God’s Kingdom. The invitation to enter has gone out. Many who know about it and know what they are to do simply are too busy. Other things are more important. The church world today is filled with people who have other things to do than be involved and be faithful. Some day in the future they will find time for God. Sadly, that will be too late.
This leads to another part of this chapter where Jesus taught about the Great Commandment. First of all, we are to love God with every fiber of our being. Love for God is to be our first priority. We are to long for His friendship and be happy to obey His commands. We will be happy to be identified with Him. We will be loyal to all God’s Word days. The second part of this commandment it to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. When people see a supernatural love operating in our lives they will be drawn to that love and to the Source of that love.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
How can I think about the Great Commandment and apply it routinely in my life? Too often when a Bible passage is read it is simply ignored. It is vital to think of how to actually apply verses, for the Bible is very practical.
Love God with everything. That makes God a priority. It means that even if things are inconvenient or cost something, God still takes priority. I don’t put service to God after I do all I want. Sacrifice and effort come before ease and fun. That leads to loving my neighbors. Genuine love always requires sacrifice. God’s love shown to others draws them to HIM.
This application will take effort, but it will impact the invitation to the wedding for many people.
3. How can I help someone?
Somewhere in life I heard this: “find the need, and then fill it”. To show love as commanded means to look for needs and then do something about them. Do it without fanfare, without looking for a pat on the back, just do something to show love. Make this a routine part of life. Filling a need can be something very simple, but it is a mind-set that looks for ways to help.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 21
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The Triumphal Entry. We are seeing God’s plans unfolding for the Messiah. Long before it had been prophesied that the King would come riding a donkey. One of the ways we can know that Jesus was the promised Savior is all the prophecies He fulfilled perfectly. Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem to the cheering crowd.
As He came to the city Jesus went to the temple. There he drove out the merchants who had turned the house of the Lord into a continual flea market. It was supposed to be a house of prayer. This is an important descriptive statement. God’s house is a place of prayer. Prayer is a normal and important part of the life of serving God. Later in the chapter we see Jesus talking about faith. Jesus said that faith could cause mountains to be moved. Faith can bring what people say can’t happen. Believers must keep God’s house pure and filled with prayer.
Jesus was questioned about His authority. We can learn an important lesson. The people asking Jesus a question didn’t really care about an answer. They were simply trying to trip Him up and bring problems. In the end He did not answer the question. Today, if people are only trying to confuse the issue we are not under obligation to answer their questions.
Jesus also let the people know that when those who are supposed to be following God are unfaithful, it will be taken from them and given to those who will produce spiritual fruit.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must keep the proper focus of the Lord’s house. It is a place of prayer. This is important to God. I cannot allow sin to come in. I also must strive to be a person with growing faith. The life of Jesus gave many examples of the power of faith. Over and over again the gospel writers spoke of Jesus healing people and delivering them from all sorts of maladies. These reminders of faith need to keep me focused on HIM. As I am reading through Matthew the faith lessons keep popping up. Since I know the Bible was inspired by God, this says volumes. Growing faith is important to God.
God expects His followers to be doing something for Him. He expects work, He expects accomplishments. He has all authority and I must believe that He will use it as He knows is best.
3. How can I help someone?
I can work to help people see Jesus as the victorious Savior. He fulfilled the prophecies perfectly. He showed the importance of being holy. I can show them the power of faith.