Bible Chapter: John 20
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This was a most amazing day. Some of the followers of Jesus went to the tomb and found it empty. He was ALIVE. This was the promised resurrection of Jesus. It took a while for the reality to sink in. The rumor that was spread was that someone had stolen the body. It is interesting to note the details that the grave cloths were still there and the cloth that had been around His head was neatly folded. Grave robbers wouldn’t do that. Jesus talked with Mary and when she recognized His voice she clung to Him. They had seen Jesus perform miracles, but this was the greatest one of all.
Jesus wanted to get the message out that He was alive. He appeared to the disciples to prove it. Thomas was missing from the group the first meeting. I can imagine the discussions they had with Thomas about the fact that Jesus really was alive and how he doubted. For some reason he had to wait eight days till Jesus showed Himself to them again. I think it might have been a frustrating eight days for Thomas, wondering why he missed out and trying to believe and wondering what really happened.
This chapter ends with a powerful truth for us today. It says that Jesus did many other signs that they witnessed that were not included in the book. These were included so that people could believe in Jesus. And, that in believing, they would have LIFE in His name. In Jesus we have life, real life. This is the real application for our world today.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must not get sidetracked regarding living life and understanding what is important. John wrote that he gave enough illustrations of the miracles of Jesus so that we can really know we have life. Reading what Jesus did and then allowing God’s power to touch my life gives me assurance I can count on. It is exciting to observe the change that comes over a life when a person takes a step of faith to trust Jesus. These are modern illustrations I can observe that the promises of Jesus really work.
It is interesting to try to imagine what it was like to experience that resurrection morning. They were used to funerals and going to a tomb. They grasped the process. This was something brand new. The grave was never empty and the dead person was never standing there to greet them. It is very hard to get an accurate picture of what the observers experienced. Shock needed to turn to acceptance. Was this some kind of a dream? To prove the resurrection was why Jesus showed Himself to many people in various situations, including sharing meals with them. Little by little people experienced and believed. Jesus told Thomas that those who don’t see and believe will be blessed.
3. How can I help someone?
I read about various people groups around the world who insist that God would never do what Jesus did. They don’t accept the sacrifice He made. People must understand that Jesus did come from heaven and give us an amazing gift. He really did make the sacrifice because of His great love for us. He did it for every individual alive. It must be made personal so people will personally accept it.