Bible Chapter: Acts 13
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.At the beginning of this book (Acts 1:8) Luke recorded the words of Jesus that the church would be empowered by the Holy Spirit and then would become witnesses to what Jesus has done. This message was to go throughout the whole world. In Chapter thirteen we find the sending of the first missionaries. Barnabas and Saul were called by God to go and proclaim the message of Jesus. They had been teaching at the church in Antioch when God called them to go. God’s heart is to spread the Word. He calls people to go and so others will hear the good news of Jesus. The church responded by praying over them and sending them.
They went to several places where they both saw spiritual responses and new believers as well as opposition. They reached Antioch in Pisidia. There they attended the synagogue on the Sabbath. Saul stood up to speak and told their history leading up to Jesus. He proclaimed the death and resurrection of Jesus. Many people followed them as they left and continued to talk. They were invited to return the next week.
When they returned, almost the whole city showed up. This caused jealousy among the religious leaders. They stirred up people to speak against them. Their response was that they came to the Jews first, but since they were being rejected, they would reach out to the Gentiles. The word of the Lord spread throughout the region.
One interesting transition in this chapter is that Luke starts calling Saul by his Latin name, Paul. He became the missionary to the Gentiles and became known as Paul. That is his name most recognized today.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must continue to grow in learning to hear the voice of the Lord. The book of Acts, and especially this chapter, shows the supernatural intervention in directing God’s work. God called the first two missionaries. They responded and went. They went in the power of God and the miraculous was happening. People were responding to God’s Word and believing in Jesus. At the same time they faced opposition. This shows that there is a spiritual battle going on. That battle continues to rage today.
Verse 49 says the Word of the Lord spread throughout the whole region. We have been praying for that for decades. Lord, spread Your Word and power throughout this whole region. Verse 52 says that they were continually filled with the Spirit. The footnote in the Fire Bible says “the Spirit’s fullness is not merely a one-time initial experience, but a life of renewed fillings for God-given needs and tasks.” The continual filling of the Spirit is still necessary and empowers the church to do great things for God.
Lord, we pray for You to continue pouring out your Spirit to touch lives.
3. How can I help someone?
Listen carefully for God’s calling. Listen for the open doors He provides to minister to people. Someone has come up with the term “divine appointments”, meaning opportunities God provides to show His love and compassion. Keep praying for divine appointments. Keep praying to be used for God.