Bible Chapter: Acts 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.What an amazing story - Ananias and Sapphira. Good things were happening in the local church. People were getting saved. The supernatural was happening. Compassion for the needy was touching their hearts and the church was giving and sacrificing to help out. Then a couple in the church, Ananias and Sapphira, were caught by pride and greed. They wanted people to give them praise for their sacrifice. They wanted credit for something they didn’t do. They sold some property and brought the money for the offering. But, they kept back part of it. The fact they didn’t give all the money was fine. It was the lie that got them into trouble, because they said they brought it all.
We learn something here. Sin is against God. Peter challenged Ananias, asking why he lied to the Holy Spirit. This question must cause us to realize this truth. What’s so amazing about the story is the swift judgement of God. Ananias dropped over dead and they took him out and buried him. When his wife, Sapphira came in later, she joined in the lie. And, she dropped over dead. Then we find another one of those obvious verses in the Bible, verse 11. So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things. (NKJV) Yes, they were afraid. They knew they had better listen and obey.
But, the fear did not drive people away from the church. It seemed to draw them. They continued to see powerful growth. Many miraculous signs and wonders were happening. More and more people were added to the church. The preached boldly.
The bold preaching brought more persecution. The apostles were arrested and put in jail. In the night God sent an angel to let them out. They were told to go back and start preaching again. In the morning there was the shocking discovery that the locked and guarded doors didn’t keep them in jail. The threats against them didn’t stop them. They said they must obey God rather than man. The persecution and suffering didn’t stop them. The power of God was doing mighty works.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Reading this section of the Bible reminds me of how easy it is to get sidetracked from what God wants us to understand. Things happen spiritually because of His power working in and through people. The modern culture has made us so comfortable and all our resources cause us to think we can take care of anything. This chapter reminds me of the miraculous power of God. God is not dependent on a good economy and favorable political conditions. Everything was against the church at that time, yet they saw exponential growth. Chapter two ends with the statement that the Lord was adding to the church daily those who were being saved. Chapter five says more and more were being added. What did they have? They had the power of the Holy Spirit active and functioning in their midst. Since God never changes, that is still the answer for us today. I must continue to seek God’s power working through me. That’s how things will happen.
3. How can I help someone?
I can learn from what the church was doing in chapter five. They were helping those in need. I think of my father. He was always ready to help out. The early church established a good precedent of helping people.