Bible Chapter: Acts 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Which group of people are the most important in the world? Which race is the most valuable to God? Who are the smartest people? Well, it is only unregenerate mankind that asks that kind of question. God never would ask such things. To God, all people are important. We see an illustration of that in this chapter. Peter was caught up in the mind set that God has His preferences. God used a vision from the Spirit to show Peter that anyone who reaches out to God will be received. I like how The Message translates verse 34.
Peter fairly exploded with his good news: “It's God's own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites!”
Yes, it is true, God has no favorites. It’s like asking a grandparent which of the little munchkins is the favorite. The answer is, “They all are”. The early church learned a very valuable lesson that day. God’s plan is for the whole world to hear the good news of Jesus. The unregenerated heart only likes those that are similar, different is bad. It seems like that concept is more prevalent today than ever before.
This chapter also shows that God will speak to His people. When our hearts are tuned to listen, God will speak. He will never go against His revealed Word in the Bible, but He will speak and give direction. Because Peter was willing to listen, the doors of missions opened wide.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Continue to learn to listen to God. He wants to speak and give guidance. No group of people is unimportant to God. When I was growing up, the term that was commonly used was prejudice. We had discussions about prejudice and what it means. I think that is a good term to describe the fact that many people pre-judge others simply by what they look like or where the come from. To pre-judge, to automatically reject a person for external reasons is completely wrong. In spite of the fact that people have worked hard for a long time to get rid of prejudice, it still is rampant. I find that some of the folks who supposedly are working the hardest to get rid of this thing that controls and destroys are sometimes the most prejudiced people. As a follower of Jesus it is very important that I don’t let myself get caught up in prejudice.
Another part of the confusion of one group verses another these days is that some say if I disagree with others I hate them. That is pathetic, for no two people on earth agree about every detail of life. When I get God’s perspective as taught to Peter, then I will reach out to people without accepting the sin they practice.
I realize that as I am writing about a very important topic, there is another event in this chapter that is just as important. It is here that the early church understood that the gentile world needed to hear of Jesus. These events opened the door to fulfill the Great Commission to go to the whole world with the good news of Jesus. This reflects the final words of Jesus that the message would start in Jerusalem and go to the uttermost parts of the earth.
3. How can I help someone?
Receive people where they are and help them on the path to a close walk with Jesus. Everyone needs changes in life. As I help people see Jesus they will find what they really need. I must be careful to never look down on people. I have heard a saying I like, it went something like this: never look down on someone unless it is to reach down to help them up.