Bible Chapter: Acts 9
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Do I know people that seem like it would be impossible for them to become believers in Jesus? I think we all do. Saul fits into that category. Chapter nine starts out saying that Saul was breathing out threatening and slaughter against the church. His goal was to put as many of them in prison as he could. He made himself an enemy of believers. He was a witness to the murder of Stephen and cheered the crowd on. He was inspired to do all he could to shut down the teaching of this man called Jesus. He was so effective that many believers were afraid of him.
God is not limited in drawing people to Him. He has all the power necessary. He knows how to get someone’s attention. God certainly got the attention of Saul by knocking him on his face and taking away his sight. The transition was amazing. Saul, who eventually changed his name to Paul, became of the most effective church planters in the history of the Church. We still rely on his writings. His teaching/writing has drawn millions to believe in Jesus.
Another thought that jumps out to me is the way the people in the church were willing to receive Saul into their fellowship. At first they were afraid, thinking his claim of believing was some kind of a trick. But, because they could hear from the Lord they accepted him. This shows the importance of being in contact with Jesus and learning to hear His voice. What if Saul had been rejected and walked away?
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must never write someone off as not being possible that they will receive Jesus into their heart. The Bible is very clear that anyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved. It also says that it is not God’s will that anyone would perish. So, everyone is a potential believer. It is too easy to pre-judge a situation and say that person is too hard to reach.
This chapter also tells the stories of miracles. The miracles were used by God to help spread the word of the hope that is found in Jesus. I must not limit God in His abilities to do what I think can’t be done. Since Jesus never changes He always has the ability to do a miracle.
3. How can I help someone?
Never give up on anyone. Always know and believe that God can do whatever they need in life. No one is too hard for God to impact.