Bible Chapter: Acts 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Many of the followers of Jesus obeyed His command to wait in Jerusalem till they were given the power of the Holy Spirit. Receiving this power was necessary for them to do the ministry Jesus prepared them to do. After the outpouring of the Spirit, Peter preached an amazing sermon. He had changed from a wimp to a powerhouse. The results were 3,000 people receiving Jesus as their personal Savior. Verse 37 reveals a critical factor in how a person comes to the place of receiving Jesus. Acts 2:37 NKJV
37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”
The statement “they were cut to the heart” defines what is needed. No person responds to Jesus without the work of the Holy Spirit speaking to their heart. In my ramblings through life I have heard people talk about trying to sneak Jesus into a conversation or trick someone into hearing about Him. That is unnecessary and unproductive. The work of the Spirit is to speak to a person, to convince them of their sin. They the person needs to make the decision to respond. Some will walk away. But, it always relies on the power of the Spirit.
The reason why so many people responded on the Day of Pentecost was the working of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. They knew they had to do something. They needed to repent.
Acts 2 tells the story of when people were first baptized in the Holy Spirit. This clothing of power given to the church started a worldwide movement of people believing in Jesus. Nothing has changed in two thousand years. It still takes the power of the Spirit to see church growth and lives changed. The church today still needs the power of the Holy Spirit to make an impact and see lives changed. Fancy buildings, technology, mass marketing and the like won’t ever change a life. All these tools are fine when they are used under the anointing of the Spirit of God. Without Him, nothing really matters.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The continual empowering of the Holy Spirit is necessary in every Christian’s life. Church history has shown that when the church seeks God and His power, great things happen. The spiritual battle is real and it is intense. God’s power outpoured through the Spirit brings spiritual victory. I have been praying for the spiritual breakthrough where I live. Many others have been praying as well. I, and all believers, must keep praying and seeing God’s power to be poured out. This is the only way we will see lives change. The world is a mess. Jesus in the only hope.
The early church had power because of the power of the Holy Spirit working through them. Down through the centuries it has been when believers sought God and lived in obedience that great things happened. Nothing has changed, that is still the answer today.
3. How can I help someone?
I must keep praying for the people I know for the working of the Spirit in their lives to convince them. I must keep praying for the Spirit to bring people to the same place they were in verse 37 when they were cut to the heart. When they receive Jesus they will have what they really need for life and eternity.