Bible Chapter: Acts 11
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.What can I learn from the Bible and apply in my life? I should ask that question often. Chapter eleven starts out with an illustration of this. The church in Jerusalem was upset that Peter had visited and eaten with gentiles. They considered this a major offense. His defense was to tell of the guidance and power of God. He told them of the vision from God and the resulting outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the household of Cornelius. This is a good illustration of hearing the facts and letting them settle a preconceived idea. Peter said that God had given the gift of the Holy Spirit to the gentiles in the same way they had received. The response of the church in Jerusalem was to praise God that even the gentiles could receive the gift of salvation and the power of the Holy Spirit. Many problems and arguments could be settled if believers would let God be God and do what He desires.
A commonly used term today was introduced in this chapter. The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. The first believers called themselves believers, disciples and saints. This term was first probably used by outsiders to designate that these people were followers of Christ. I like that concept that the church there so much reflected what Jesus was all about that the outside world could see Jesus Christ in them and call them His followers. Oh, that the same would be true today.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The good news spread to many cities, including Antioch, because of the persecution connected with Stephen’s death. The Lord’s hand was with the believers and many people also believed. When the hand of the Lord, when the power and presence of the Lord is in a place, people believe. As I read of great revival movements throughout history I see that large numbers, sometimes a whole city, would turn in repentance to Jesus. It is the power and presence of God that makes the difference. My prayer must continue to be, Lord, pour out your power and presence.
The followup that must happen is what we find Barnabas told the new believers in Antioch. He encouraged them to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. The tempter would be active in striving to pull them back. Faithfulness is a key to spiritual growth. They must continue in the love and faith in Jesus and grow strong in the fellowship with other believers.
Barnabas did something else that set in motion great growth for the church. He went to Tarsus and found Saul. They returned to Antioch and spent a year teaching the church. This was the beginning of the active, public ministry of Saul. We know him best as Paul, one of the most effective apostles in the early church. Barnabas found someone and helped him become established in ministry. That is a good example for the church today. Train and release people to work for Jesus.
3. How can I help someone?
I think of what I just wrote. I need to help people become established in the Lord and enable them to step out and be used for God. Saul/Paul eventually outshone all those who helped him get going. This is good to remember. Our work is all about giving glory to and pointing people to Jesus. When that happens, it is good and we are successful.