Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bible Chapter: Acts 19

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Paul continued his travels and went to Ephesus.  He met a local group of believers and asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit.  They admitted they didn’t know what he was saying.  After some more discussion they were baptized in water.  Then Paul laid hands on them and prayed for them.  They received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the spoke in tongues and prophesied.  This followed the pattern we find in the New Testament that believers were empowered by the Holy Spirit that included the evidence of speaking in tongues.
    Paul continued his ministry in Ephesus as he met daily with people telling them of the kingdom of God.  This continued for two years and Luke records that all who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.  Many miracles happened.  The miracles included many possessed by demons who were set free.  Other people thought they would get in on this and tried to deliver people in “the name of Jesus that Paul preached”.  This didn’t work.  One group of brothers tried this and were beaten up by the demon- possessed man and they escaped beaten and naked.
    One event shows an important thing for believers to do.  They brought all their scrolls connected with demon worship and burned them.  The principle here is that those who believe in Jesus need to break the connections with all the old evil practices.  Connection with sin must be broken and life lived in the freedom Jesus gives.  When Jesus makes a person new He doesn’t give them permission to continue to participate in evil.  While this is good for the believer, in Ephesus it lead to a riot. This is because the people making money selling shrines to the goddess Artemis were not making the money they used to make.  Which illustrates the fact that when people lose money, they get angry.  It also illustrates that Christians must be careful where they spend their money.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Paul knew his calling in life and stayed faithful to it.  He did this even when there were threats to his safety and well-being.  All who follow Jesus need to see this example.  Paul didn’t compromise his teachings or beliefs.  He taught what he knew was correct.  It seems that everywhere he went he reached people who became believers while, at the same time, he ran into opposition.
    Paul ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit.  As I look at the history of the church, I see that when people seriously seek God and the outpouring of His power, amazing things happen.  This goes back to the beginning (the Book of Acts is the history of the beginning of the church) and continues today.  Books like In Awe In Argentina and efforts like The Decade of Pentecost in Africa are showing the impact of the power of the Holy Spirit through faithful believers.  I cannot get comfortable in knowing that I am ready to meet Jesus.  I must continue to seek the river of God’s power to flow to impact those who are not ready.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people by praying for them.  As I write this I have recently seen the impact that God will make on people, even those who have walked away from God.  He will not give up on people but will continue to challenge their hearts as others are praying for them.  I am reminded of the verse that says whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.