Monday, December 31, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 19

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The word that jumped out to me as I began to read this chapter is: pain.  Pilate had Jesus flogged.  I don’t think the western world can comprehend the agony of the flogging.  Historical experts have written of the process that was devised by evil minds.  I try to think of painful times I have had.  I have injured a rib and pulled rib muscles.  It was basically impossible to move without excruciating pain.  My gallbladder went bad on me.  At that point I didn’t care what anyone did.  Take me out of my misery.
    I know that anything I have experienced is nothing compared to the flogging Jesus received.  His body was ripped to shreds.  Why did He go through this?  He came to take the punishment for my sin. He did what no one could do.  He was innocent, took on our guilt, and became the substitute for the human race.
    The pain Jesus experienced was also mental.  He was mocked.  When they said hail to the king, they were mocking and ridiculing Jesus.  They called His position a joke.  No person likes to be mocked.  This is especially true when a person has real credibility that is being mocked.
    The pain culminated at the cross.  Jesus was hung there to die.  Again, relying on experts, they tell us that the pain of hanging on the cross caused a person to not be able to breathe.  The person would pull themselves up by pulling and pushing on the nails through their body to get the lungs to function again.  I think of a phrase of an old song: “He was nailed to the cross for me.”  The pain and torture of crucifixion was so horrible that the Roman government did not crucify their own citizens.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The one thing that must be applied in life is to receive the benefit of the suffering of Jesus.  He did it all for each individual person.  To walk away from it is to make it as worthless.  I must continually walk with Jesus.
    I recently talked with a person who had been delivered from a very messed up life.  He called out to Jesus and He changed his life.  He was going to church and getting along well.  Then he decided that he was fine and didn’t need to worry about serving Jesus any more.  His life went lower than it had been before.  What Jesus did on the cross gives us an ongoing relationship with Him.  We must stay connected to Him continually.
    When Jesus said “it is finished”, He literally meant that the work to provide salvation was completed.  The effect will continue and there is no need for further sacrifice.  What I and everyone must do is receive His finished work and apply it daily.  There can be no greater sacrifice than for one to give their life.  That’s what Jesus did for me.

3.  How can I help someone?
    What is the greatest need any person ever had?  It is victory over sin and hope for the future.  Many politicians have promised hope.   Real hope is found in Jesus.  I must be ready to help people see that this chapter is not just a history lesson, but an up to date story of personal hope.