Bible Chapter: Acts 15
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.We learn from the history of the early church that there were people who came up with things they wanted people to do and believe. They didn’t have any solid foundation for what they taught, they simply had an idea and tried to make others follow it. This is the foundation for false doctrine. False and poor doctrine has always been an issue. (Doctrine can be simply defined as what we believe.) The church at Antioch had to deal with false teachers. They made a good choice by deferring to the leadership of the church in Jerusalem, seeking to get God’s direction.
Today we have the completed Bible. This must be our source for teaching and practice. God is not going to come up with some new concepts of teaching now as if He finally realized what He had done wrong in the past. We need solid teachers who know what the Bible says and teach it clearly. Believers must submit to the clear teaching of the Bible and apply it in their lives.
There were some people who came to Antioch and were teaching that no one could really be saved unless they followed the teachings of the law of Moses. We see how the church in Jerusalem came to their conclusion in verse 28. “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us . . .” They sought the guidance of the Spirit and He showed them the path to take. This is still good advice. The Spirit of God will help us see and understand the written Word of God. It will not be a burden too heavy to bear.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Don’t listen to every wind of teaching that flies by. I have lived long enough to see trends of teaching that show up. Someone has a “revelation” and they promote it. Many of these people have an ability to sell and advance their thoughts very effectively. Innocent people get caught up in the latest trend and problems result. I must be careful to verify what people write and teach by what the Bible says. Even if it becomes very popular, I must be careful to avoid wild fire of doctrine and stick with what the Bible really says. Acts fifteen is an illustration of the first wind of confusing and destructive doctrine. Strange wind is still blowing and effective communicators are still spreading confusion.
The fact that poor doctrine spreads is the founding reason why all believers must be active and strong students of the Bible. This is one of the advantages of a strong local church where there can be a consistency of teaching. This is why I always promote things like Sunday School and mid-week Bible studies. We must continue to study so we can continue to grow. I know it is my job to study the Bible, but I must also be always reading and studying, learning, for my own personal life. I have lived long enough to know that I don’t know everything there is to know about the Bible.
3. How can I help someone?
I must be always ready to help people understand what the Bible says. I have discovered that many people live in confusion and frustration. When they better understand what the Bible really teaches it turns their life around. I must always be ready to show someone the hope they can have in Jesus.