Bible Chapter: Acts 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Chapter seven ends with the death of Stephen. Chapter eight opens with the statement that Saul was consenting to his death. Saul appears to have a radical personality. He went all out in everything he did. When he believed in something, nothing stopped him. Great persecution resulted and the church was scattered all around the area. Saul made havoc of the church, arresting them and making life miserable.
The church went to many places, not in hiding, but boldly preaching the message of the life Jesus gives. Persecution brought powerful spiritual results. Philip went to Samaria and a great revival broke out. Many signs and wonders happened. When the news got back to Jerusalem (they didn’t have the internet back then), Peter and John went to Samaria to help in the ministry. They prayed for them and many received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
I find something very interesting in this chapter. While a powerful move of the Holy Spirit was happening, God directed Philip to leave, heading down a specific road. There he met one man, an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading the Prophet Isaiah. Philip talked with the man and asked if he understood what he was reading. He was invited to ride along in the chariot to explain the scriptures. The eunuch believed in Jesus and was baptized. This shows that God cares about one individual who is seeking Him. A revival of many people is not more important that one soul. God cares about every person. Both large groups and individuals are important to God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When things look bleak, don’t give up. When it seems like everything is going against God and the enemy is winning, keep trusting in God. When I feel discouraged I must look up. Stephen had just been killed for his faith. The church was scattered to many places. Life was hard. And, God came through with a mighty outpouring of His power and presence. Many miracles happened. Lives were being changed. The persecution opened a mighty missionary movement.
God used Philip to reach a very important man. Philip was on the list of men chosen in chapter six to oversee the administration of helps. God had even greater plans for him. I will be used for God in unique ways as I listen to His direction. God will open the doors. I don’t know the people I can touch, I just have to be ready and respond when the opportunity arises.
3. How can I help someone?
Many people in Samaria were in need of God’s intervention in their lives. Out of difficult times Philip was used to open doors. God’s power broke through. Many unnamed believers were used in this missionary outreach. I need to continue to expect God’s power to break through here, today, where I live and that I will be used in ways beyond my dreams.