Bible Chapter: Acts 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.One thought that jumps out to me as I read this chapter is that we never know what will result from life each day. We simply must remain faithful to the Lord and seek to be obedient. Two completely opposite events happened. James was put to death by Herod. He then arrested Peter and put him in prison guarded by sixteen soldiers. Overkill? The plan was for Peter to be brought to trial. I think the word trial is probably a joke, for Herod had already decreed a death sentence for him.
The church gave us a great example here of what to do with challenges, have a prayer meeting. It wasn’t just a quick “God bless us” and then let’s eat lunch. This prayer went on into the night. Prayer is fighting the spiritual battle. Prayer is powerful. This is the reason why it seems so hard to do and so few people actually do it. Some people equate prayer simply as a ritual, something to be read from a book. Prayer comes from the heart and is powerful. The person praying enters the presence of God.
Herod thought he was the all powerful one and no one could touch him. He was shocked when the prison doors were unlocked and Peter wasn’t there. He was shown Who really is in control when, shortly after Peter’s divine release from prison, God struck him down. Herod was eaten by worms when he accepted praise that must only go to God. Earthly leaders who think they are powerful and special and draw praise to themselves all eventually learn who is really in control. And, it is not them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Keep on praying. Keep on realizing that the battle will continue and only prayer will bring the victory. As the Bible says, pray without ceasing. Be in a continual attitude of prayer. Pray with power and conviction. This has been a battle for believers to do and will continue to be a battle. But, we must commit to and actually do it, pray. Pray with power. Pray in faith. Pray expecting God to come through in the ways that only HE can.
I think of two true stories I heard. A local church has been going through many problems. They don’t have a pastor and the people are struggling to make things go and see the ministry grow. Many people are praying for God to intervene. One of the people who is working to help them received a phone call from someone he don’t know. He has had a burden for that church and said he wants to help out in any way he can. He began to lay out some things he could do because God has directed him to help. The interesting thing is that the man lives a long ways away and has no connection with the church. God is directing and it will be exciting to see how God will bring it all together. Another church congregation was ready to close when the Lord laid it on the heart of a man to come and help out. He is a very godly man and is ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work. Both of these stories come as a result of people praying for God to intervene. They illustrate the importance of keeping on praying.
Memo to self: keep on praying.
3. How can I help someone?
I remember one time being in a conversation with someone. They were describing a need another person had. Someone came up to the person in need asking what they could do. They said they wanted people to pray for them. The response was this: “OK, I’ll pray. But, I want to really do something that will make a difference”.
That person didn’t grasp the fact that real prayer IS doing something that will make a difference. Like the stories in Acts 12, the results may not always be what we seek, but we see God’s hand in them. So, I can help as I keep on praying.