Bible Chapter: Acts 20
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.One thought that jumps out to me as I read this chapter is faithfulness. Paul was faithful to the calling of God in his life. He continued to travel and preach Jesus. From time to time he felt the Spirit’s guidance to stay and establish a local church body. He continued following Divine leading, in spite of the fact that he saw persecution and threats follow him wherever he went.
Miracles continued to happen. These included seeing Eutychus raised from the dead. Paul was at Troas for a week. Since he was leaving the next morning, they had a long service. The people were anxious to hear all that Paul could tell them. This shows that people with a real hunger for Jesus don’t care about the time. Sadly, today, there are many voices calling for short sermonettes so people can get on to other things they want to do. In the middle of this long service, Eutychus fell out of a third story window. Paul prayed and he came back to life. Then they continued the service that lasted all night.
Chapter 20 includes Paul’s farewell to the church leaders from Ephesus. He reminded them that he had not hesitated to preach anything they needed to hear. He preached the whole truth of God. He didn’t preach to try to satisfy what the people wanted to hear. Paul also warned that savage wolves would come in and try to destroy the work. People would distort the truth to try to draw followers to their own cause. We see that happening in the church world today. People are twisting truth and working to make people comfortable with sin. There is a large emphasis in the church to make people comfortable. Nothing in the Bible says this should be done.
Paul warned the church leaders to be on guard for false teachers. The message of the Bible must not be changed. The church must continually be pointed to Jesus and the Bible, the clear message the Bible really gives.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
There is a strong message here to the leaders of a local church about what they must continue to do. Paul said his focus was not to protect himself or gain financial security. His purpose was to clearly teach the Word of God. He was warning about false doctrine and people who would try to steal the Lord’s sheep.
Paul ministered with tears. His heart was filled with compassion for people to bring them to a knowledge of Jesus and a strong relationship with Him. He built strong spiritual relationships with the churches he started. When he said to the leaders from Ephesus that they would see him no more they all wept. As workers together for the Lord they had grown to love and care for each other.
What I must continue to apply in my life is what I have written about in this section. I must be faithful to speak the truth and care about people. People are God’s highest creation and most valuable in His sight. Jesus died on the cross for people. He did this to restore the lost relationship of the human race to God. I must continue to tell the truth as revealed in the Bible.
3. How can I help someone?
Keep telling the truth. Keep praying for opportunities to tell the truth and point people to Jesus.