Bible Chapter: Revelation 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The river of life – it is clear as crystal and flows from the throne of God. One of the most exciting verses in the Bible tells us that the time is coming when there will be no more curse. We will no more have to deal with the horrors of the battle against sin and evil. There will be healing of everything and no more sorrow or sickness. Sometimes the battle against the curse of sin is overwhelming. We see it constantly. Oh, what a day that will be when it is finally gone. We will see the face of our Lord. Wow! What a time that will be. It will be worth whatever it took to get there.
An awesome invitation – come to the water of life and drink freely. All are invited to come. Now is the time to accept that invitation to come to Jesus and receive all that He has for us, for Jesus is coming back.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jesus said He was coming soon. Some may doubt, since this was written about 2,000 years ago. But, in God’s economy of time, that is just a few days. What is that in light of eternity? Jesus said He was coming soon and His reward is with Him and He will give to all according to what they have done. The rewards of eternity will be so far beyond anything we can even imagine here. His last words recorded in the book are “Yes, I am coming soon”. I must live ready, for no one knows when it will happen.
3. How can I help someone?
One more time I must remind myself to help people be ready to see Jesus. No fun or sin is worth missing out on what Jesus will have for all who love Him.