Bible Chapter: Revelation 13
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This chapter describes more conflict between God and antichrist. The ever present battle that has gone on since the fall of Lucifer will continue till God finally puts him in punishment and torment forever. We see this battle and are seeing greater evidence of it daily. There will come a time when the antichrist will rule the world. But, it will be for a limited time. The evil one appears to have divine power and deceives many people. People seem to be easily fooled by his deception and “reasonable-sounding” arguments. This is true today and will be even more evident in the future.
During the tribulation period covered in this chapter, people will pay a very high price for believing in Jesus. This deception and persecution is happening today in many places, and the persecution is spreading. Belief in Jesus is made out to be ignorant, narrow, intolerant and very bigoted. Jesus said that they persecuted Him, and they will persecute His followers.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
What is the long term goal I seek in life? What is the long term goal I seek beyond this life? I must keep these questions in mind to direct the decisions I make today. I must remember such things as accountability and divine standards of actions. I see this constantly in people in the public eye. “I know I goofed up, but forget it and elect me anyway.” They don’t seem to have any idea of life and the standards of life God’s Word reveals. People want to live without accountability and responsibility. The Bible doesn’t allow for that. I must remember my long term goals of honoring God and receiving my eternal home with Him. Then I must live that way.
3. How can I help someone?
One of my challenges and frustrations in the modern world is seeing how gullible people are and how they believe the deceptions and false claims of people. If a famous person said it, it must be true. Many modern groups have an agenda to change the world and the moral/ethical standards what we have always lived by to enable them to do what they want. People are sitting there just taking it all in and accepting it. I want to help people see the truths of God’s Word and apply THEM in their lives.