Monday, August 12, 2013

Bible Chapter: Revelation 8

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Again John wrote about the prayers of the saints.  In the Bible, saints are not some special group of people who have been declared above the rest because of their superior spirituality.  Saints are all true believers.  Their prayers are very powerful and important.  This is something extremely essential and many believers have a tendency to forget that.  It is easy to think that things will happen anyway, so why worry about praying for them.  God tells us to pray.  Jesus taught us to pray.  Prayer is the battle.  So, we must pray.  I also find it easier to do almost anything else than pray.  Judging from the attendance at prayer meetings, I think most believers would agree.  To me that shows the importance of it and the enemy doesn’t want us to be people of prayer.
    We also see here much emphasis on judgement.  Powerful judgements come out against the world.  Many people are suffering and dying.  God is judging sin.  In an age when sin is becoming more popular and celebrated, we must recognize how horrible sin really is.  It is not a joke or entertainment.  Many people think sin is funny.  There is nothing hilarious about sin.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    People are called Christians because they are followers of Jesus.  At least, that is the theory.  Therefore, those who call themselves “Christian” must look at the world in the same way Jesus does.  He cares about people.  He loves them and hates the sin that destroys them.  I remember the words of a song I heard in the past -- Let me see this world, dear Lord, as though I were looking through your eyes.  That is a challenging thought.  If I really look at things the way Jesus does, I will see things completely differently.  It will change my thoughts and actions.  It will change life.  Jesus is the righteous judge.  This does not make me the judge, but looking at things from His perspective will cause me to act in a way that reflects His perspective.

3.  How can I help someone?
    As I visit with people, I strive to help them see things the way God sees them.  I want to help them grasp that there is a higher standard for life and that we will be held accountable before God for following His standard.