Bible Chapter: Revelation 11
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.God’s plan and work will be accomplished. Even though the earth will be overrun with evil, God will send two witnesses to show His power and proclaim His message. The evil powers will do all they can to kill them, but won’t be able to until God says it is time. Then, just when the evil one thinks he has won, God will bring these witnesses back to life. The world will watch in horror. God’s power is always stronger. Immorality and worldliness will seem to be winning, but in the end, they lose. People will be terrorized because they see God’s power manifested. In our current world, evil people are celebrating their victories of spreading immorality and sinful destruction. While it is frustrating to see, we know that in the end Jesus will win.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When things get hard, stick with Jesus. Sin is popular. Sin looks like lots of fun. But, the Bible is clear that sin brings destruction and punishment. This chapter tells of a time when people will celebrate and give one another gifts at the death of the two witnesses. They seem to have overcome the powers of God. But, soon they will all be in terror and seven thousand will die. I must never let popular things take over and lead me to sin. For, even when it seems like sin is winning, it will the collapse under the weight of its own destruction.
3. How can I help someone?
Point people to Jesus. He is the only hope they have. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to their hearts to know the truth Jesus wants them to have.