Bible Chapter: Revelation 9
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.A word that comes up often in this book of Revelation is judgement. This is a word that I believe our world needs to hear more of today. People seem to think that God allows people to do anything they want and that there will never be any consequences. What a deception this is. This chapter describes some horrible things that will happen to people in the future. These events will be so devastating that people will want to die, but won’t be able to. Evil actions and a failure to repent will always bring judgement. Demonic forces work to destroy those who follow sinful actions. They delight is making people suffer.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Everyone is tempted. We are dealing with the desire to do things against God’s ways. The temptation always comes in such a way that the action looks fun and desirable. Also, there never seem to be any consequences associated with these actions. This is such a major lie. While there is some fun associated with sin, it is always limited and the negative results are always more destructive than people believe they will be. I must always remember this.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the reality of judgement. Our culture emphasizes the concept of letting people get away with things. “It’s not that bad.” Well, sin really IS that bad and judgement will come. People must understand this.