Bible Chapter: Revelation 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This chapter contains four of the letters to seven churches. These letters show that many of the early churches had seriously strayed from the apostolic standards of truth and faith. They were not practicing what they had been taught. There was compromise with sin and outside influences were impacting what the churches were doing. God hates doctrinal compromise which changes what He has revealed. These letters rebuke their failures and give corrective measures. They are called to repentance. Jesus must be their first love.
The churches were challenged because they:
Left their first love
Allowed false doctrines and practices to come into the church
Allowed false teachers
We see how quickly the enemy was working to destroy the church. This has been seen and continues to happen all down through the ages. Destroy the church and you destroy God’s Work.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
A theme that is repeated at the end of these letters is that those who have an ear to hear, listen to what The Spirit is saying to the churches. There is a difference between hearing words and listening to what is being said. This is still an important message to believers. Listen to what God has revealed as His truth through the Bible. Listen to what the Spirit of God is saying in prophetic words. Not only listen, but apply what the Spirit is saying.
Tied in with the listening is overcoming. Those who listen and overcome will be blessed by God and receive the reward God has promised. The battle will always be before us. We will have a continual choice to follow Jesus or give in. Don’t give in, but be faithful. No one in heaven ever regretted what it took to get there.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help believers see what the Bible says and apply these truths in life. I want to help people listen to what the Spirit is saying and understand it so they will be spiritually victorious.