Bible Chapter: Revelation 17
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.God provides things genuine. Satan always comes up with a counterfeit. We are seeing more and more counterfeits in our world. This chapter shows another counterfeit. In the Bible, when it is speaking figuratively, prostitution and adultery usually picture religious apostasy and unfaithfulness to God. This prostitute represents all the false religions that have evolved as well as apostate Christianity. Sadly, we are seeing more and more apostate Christianity today than ever before. Churches are promoting doctrines that are the opposite of what the Bible says. Deception is rampant. Compromise is causing false doctrine to flourish. Refusal to compromise during the time of this chapter will result in many being killed. All of the evil rulers will eventually be destroyed.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
How do I know true from false doctrine? Some of the stuff being taught sounds really good. It is attractive. How can I tell the difference? The answer is found in deeply studying the Bible. What does it say throughout the book? I can’t make my teaching based on just one verse. The truths and principles go from the first to the last of the book. This is important. False teachings must be rejected. I must not be drawn to leaders who have all the charm to attract people to themselves, and yet are selfish and ungodly. These are principles I see here in this chapter.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see and understand truth. We live in a world of catch phrases. Someone with an agenda comes up with a cute phrase and people get caught up in the emotion and begin to believe a lie. This lie gets told over and over and soon it is accepted as truth. Once the deception takes hold people become adamant in defending it. I want to help people see the truth and consistency of the Bible and how that will change life and eternity.