Bible Chapter: Genesis 1
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.In the beginning. This is how the Book started. God’s book goes back to the beginning. And, key to this opening sentence is – In the beginning God . . . It all starts with God and what He did. There are more and more people today emphasizing the “fact” that we all came from a slime pond somewhere. It was all simply a cosmic accident, a big explosion that ended up giving us this complex life. Somehow all the ingredients for a universe appeared and then slowly, over billions of years, the extremely complex laws of science somehow just happened to come into existence.
God is the creator. This gives value to all He created. This especially gives value to human life. We are told that God made mankind in His own image. Live has great value. Sadly, many today ignore this great value.
God created all of nature and gave it the command to reproduce after its own kind. The laws of science are very powerful and specific. The command to reproduce after its own kind shows God’s creation and His creative ability. The historical evidence shows this truth. We do not find half this and half that. Fish don’t give birth to sheep. Each genetic family reproduces after its own kind. Why do I think this is important? Because it shows God’s control of creation and nature and shows that He specifically planned His amazing creation.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can appreciate creation. I have been privileged to see many different parts of the world and the large variety of what God made. Everything I use has a designer. The computer I am writing on took many intelligent people a great deal effort to come up with a piece of equipment that can do so much more than I can figure out how to use. The planes I have flown in show how someone figured out the laws of aerodynamics to overcome the law of gravity. The right design combined with sufficient power to push it causes a plane to fly and I can be in Europe in eight hours. It all takes a designer. God designed an awesome world and universe and gave it to us to live in and take care of. I am thankful for His great gift and strive to live obeying His commands.
I like the ending of this first chapter in the Bible. God saw everything He had made and it was very good. Yes, God did a very good job of speaking all creation into existence. Everything He does is very good. That is encouraging.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the Creator. When it says we are made in God’s image, it tells us we can know Him. We have the capacity to know our Creator and receive all the benefits of that relationship.