Bible Chapter: Revelation 1
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This book is the revelation of Jesus. John was detained on the Isle of Patmos and was worshiping the Lord. He was in the Spirit when Jesus revealed Himself to John. Jesus had messages to churches that were in existence at that time. These messages apply to the church down through the ages. He showed Who He is and gave hints of things to come. Blessings will come to those who not only hear but actually apply what Jesus wants people to know. Studying the Bible is not just for the accumulation of facts, but for the application in daily life. Jesus is going to return to take His church to be with Him. This revelation of Jesus has challenged people for 2,000 years and continues to challenge people to be ready for when Jesus comes back.
Jesus is the beginning and the ending. He is everything from start to finish. In Him we find all we need for life and eternity. This truth is probably the main reason why there continues to be such a struggle against Jesus and anything He stands for. The hatred of Jesus and mockery of all who believe in Him grows stronger. There truly is animus against the Bible, against the life and death of Jesus and mockery of anyone who believes the message of the gospel.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jesus wants people to know about Him and to know Him. Not only in this book, but throughout the Bible He is revealed. So, I must continue to learn more about Him. I must continue to study and strive to grasp His purposes and teachings. Jesus has given us information to study and be ready for His return. I must be ready.
3. How can I help someone?
One of the most challenging issues for people is to be submissive to Jesus and ready for His return. And, to be ready for Jesus on HIS terms, not the terms people make up. “I’m a good person.” “I believe in God.” These are the statements people make. Yes, they probably are basically good, they do nice things. And, yes, they are not atheists. But, these are not the issues. People must believe in Jesus based on what He revealed. I want to help them see who Jesus really is.