Bible Chapter: Revelation 3
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Continuing the letters to the seven churches. Sardis was a spiritually dead church. They had works, they were doing things that looked good to the outside world. They had a reputation. But, they were spiritually dead. They had no spiritual power and righteousness. They were called to repent.
The church in Philadelphia was a faithful group. They were facing strong opposition, but they remained true to the Lord. They kept the word of the Lord and didn’t deny His name. Again, there was the promise to those who overcame in the battle.
The church in Laodicea was in a sorry state. They are called lukewarm. The Lord said He would rather they be either spiritually on fire or cold as ice. They were compromising with the world and looking like society. It would be better for God’s work if they would simply deny Jesus. They were a disgrace and an embarrassment to the Lord and His work. They needed to return to Jesus and invite Him back into their lives.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The condemnation of compromise jumps out to me as I read. We live in a world of spiritual compromise. People are trying to change what the Bible says. There is a large presence of the message that we must not offend anyone, so we must compromise and accept people as they are. No, we are not to be purposely offensive, but we also must tell the truth about God and what He says. Jesus came to change people from a life of sin. Right is right according to God’s standards. Sin is sin and must be rejected. There is a lot of Laodicea in the church world today. Many consider that a victory. The Bible calls that failure.
The church in Philadelphia was faithful and stuck with serving Jesus. That is what must be applied in the lives of every believer. We CAN be overcomers.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people see the messages given to the churches, to see the things where they were successful and praised by God. And, to see the places where they were weak and needed to change. We all need to hear what the Spirit of God has said and continues to say to the church, the body of believers in Jesus.