Bible Chapter: Revelation 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The spiritual battle intensifies. Anything touched by the evil one is destroyed. We see this picture in this chapter. When sin is involved, when the battle against God takes place, horrible things happen. The word destruction applies to Satan. Jesus said he came to steal, kill and destroy. It can easily be seen any place where God’s way is rejected and people are living in active participation in sin. Bad things happen. All of the things that people work to overcome (poverty, violence, abuse, hunger, injustice, etc.) result from sin. Hurt and pain accompany a life in rejection of Jesus.
In this chapter Satan is finally kicked out of any contact with heaven. He has been there accusing believers in Jesus. When he is kicked out he will bring even more problems to the earth. His constant goal is to kill God and take over. That won’t happen, but in the mean time he was worked hard to ruin everything God has created.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Like people everywhere, I want to have the best life possible. The definition of the best life possible is probably different to different people. Some would say that includes lots of material possessions. Others would say that if they have enough food and shelter, that is fine. The way to have the best life possible is to be in submission to God’s ways. Having a personal relationship with Jesus overcomes the destruction of sin. That leads to the best life possible. The battles and destruction described in Chapter 12 remind the reader that any time evil takes over, pain and destruction will be the results. I am reminded again of the importance of staying close to Jesus.
3. How can I help someone?
People must see the destruction of sin. I do all I can to help people see that. Sadly, the evil one has blinded the eyes of people so they don’t see that their problems are the result of their actions. I don’t know if it can be said too often - sin brings destruction. The good news is that Jesus brings life.