Bible Chapter: Revelation 15
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The first thought that jumped out to me in my reading is the worship of the Lord I see here. Worship is a confusing topic these days. It really shouldn’t be so confused and divisive. There should be nothing such as the “worship wars” that splinter churches. Worship is declaring value and worth. The worship in this chapter is the real thing –
Great and marvelous are Your works
Just and true are Your ways
You alone are holy
Your righteous acts are revealed
All of this is beautiful worship that points all the attention and glory to God. That is worship. I trust that believers can get their focus back on that and not thinking that worship is limited to a genre of songs called “worship music”.
Another important theme here is the certainty and finality of God’s judgement of sin. The wicked world WILL be judged, nothing will stop God from fulfilling His righteous acts. Some say a gracious God would not judge in the way that is described here. Yes, God is filled with grace and millions of millions have received it and been saved. But, grace does not permit sin to continue. God will judge sin.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The book of Revelation includes much powerful worship of God. I can learn from it as the worshipers in heaven declare God’s awesome attributes. He really is the Lord God Almighty and deserves recognition as such. His name is worthy of glory and honor. He is holy. I must not be guilty of going through a routine of religious stuff, but really bring glory to God.
I must also see the righteous anger God has against sin. It is sad to see even church leaders compromise regarding sin and refusing to judge sin as sin. I read of an internationally known church leader who said he would rather go to hell then go to a heaven that was harsh on sinners. He has committed himself to lobby for acceptance of a sinful behavior (my interpretation of his actions) and said he would refuse to worship a God who didn’t agree with his stand on the issue and would choose hell over heaven if he thought God allowed things in heaven he didn’t like. Wow, what confusion. What sad deception. God’s standards are not up for debate and discussion.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help believers see real worship that focuses on honoring God, not the surface issues. I also want to help people see God’s righteousness regarding right and wrong.