Thursday, January 8, 2015

Bible Chapter: Proverbs 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Are you willing to learn?  Wisdom is calling out to you to help you grow in the important areas of life. Wisdom is calling out for you to leave your simple ways of life to walk in the ways of understanding. Wise people are willing to learn and that makes all the difference. Wisdom brings its own rewards. Folly is undisciplined and mocks people.
    Wise children bring joy to their parents, but foolish children bring them grief. Wise people realize that anything they get through dishonest means has no value. They realize that laziness tends to poverty. A wise person goes out during harvest and gathers the provision that they have worked for.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Proverbs 10:9 tells us that people with integrity walk securely, but those who take crooked paths will slip and fall and be found out. This is a powerful verse for life. Learning to walk with integrity will cause a person to do well in life. This does not mean that they will be rich and famous, but that their value and accomplishments will have a positive impact on society. People who try to do things they have to hide will eventually be found out. We see this over and over again as some well-known person is exposed to be a cheat and a scoundrel. This always leads to great sadness and the realization they are paying a very high price for their lack of integrity.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people evaluate the choices they make in life and to help them see that every choice has both a cost and a result. Even though good choices have a cost, they have a good result that is worth the cost. Poor choices always result in something that is not worth the cost, but they lead to many regrets.