Friday, January 16, 2015

Bible Chapter: Proverbs 23 & 34

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    There are many different ways that people can cheat. We see here in a verse that commands that people will not remove an old landmark or tried to steal other people’s land. This specifically talks about the fields of the fatherless. We see throughout the Bible God’s concern for people who lose their parents. God cares for them and wants to provide for them. We are also told here to not envy sinners. Envy can easily lead people to cheat and to steal. We see that parents rejoice when their children are righteous. So it is important that we learn to be honest and ethical in how we treat people.
    It is very easy to get concerned because of what people do. But we are told to fret not because of what evil people do, or to be envious of them. Because, there will be no reward for the wicked and their influence will be put out. While it seems that evil people are prospering, we must always remember that in the light of eternity, God will be the righteous judge.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    We do need rest.  In the Bible talks about the fact that God gives sleep to His people. We are also reminded here that putting the emphasis on sleep will lead to poverty. We see the importance of work and the necessity of rejecting being lazy. Note to self: always keep the right balance between work and rest. Don’t allow yourself to be burned out, but don’t allow that to become an excuse for laziness.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Advancement in life is not found by playing political or influence games. Some think that if they can only make the right connections with important people, then they will climb the ladder of success. Yes, it is important to know people, but you need to get to know them as a person and not seek to manipulate them because of their position.